IISL Happy Hour #13 held
13th IISL Happy Hour was held on 18 November 2022, 16:00- 17:00 CET. That was a session to review the IAC-22 held 18-24 September in Paris for further enhancing visibility of the IISL in the IAC and also providing better services for the IISL members in the coming IAC conference. 11 members attended this Happy Hour, and several participants attended it for the first time since February 2021, when the first IISL Happy Hour was held.

Opinions and inputs include:
- One of the benefits of the IAC is rich opportunities to interact with other fields of space activities and experts so that the scope of your activity would be widened. At the IAC, it is not restricted to just space law.
- There are a lot of activities in the IAC and they are only increasing. So, for new commers, some guidance before attending it would be beneficial. Some frequent goers would become a mentor for new commers to tell the tip to make the most of the IAC. (Claudiu Mihai Taitu and Setusko Aoki become a mentor. More mentors are welcome.)
- The mode offered for the interactive presentation (IP) session was rather disappointing. (If only this opportunity can be given for making one’s research be heard, then it does not seem worth attending.) Some amelioration is requested.
- For the IISL Colloquium, the Young Scholar’s session and the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition (semi-finals and the final in the IAC opportunity) are most important, and featuring them in a larger scale would be great.
- For some members, going through procedures (e.g. visa, selection of paper process) to attend the IAC is difficult.
- Through the IISL homepage, SNS, and events held at International Space University, ECSL, etc. where IISL relevant members are involved, new ventures for the IISL such as “Knowledge Constellation” could be more widely publicized. Good and innovative ideas are not yet fully noticed.
IAC showed how active the IISL community is and what great potential lies in our Members. We want to create as many opportunities for participation as possible and look forward to new ideas and initiatives from all!