IISL President speaks at UN Conference on Space Law and Policy
21 November 2024. IISL President Kai-Uwe Schrogl was invited to speak today at the 2024 United Nations Conference on Space Law Policy in Vienna, Austria, taking place from 19 to 21 November 2024.
The UN Conference on Space Law and Policy is part of a long-standing series of capacity-building organizing over 15 workshops and conferences on space law and policy, organised by the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs. This year the Office has moved back to the traditional style of having it held as an in-person event. More information on the UN Conference on Space Law and Policy is available on the dedicated website of the United Nations.
Schrogl spoke on Day 3 of the Conference during the panel on National Space Legislation (Panel 2), which included the following panelists:
- Sopheak Cheang, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia
- Lisho Mundia, Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, Namibia
- Prema Elumalai, VIT School of Law, Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, India
- Rachel Olore, Kenyan Space Agency
- Kai-Uwe Schrogl, International Institute of Space Law and European Space Agency
His presentation is available below.
The Conference was attended by many IISL members and was received very well and the Programme is available below. The Conference objectives were met and a final report reflecting the successful discussions was adopted during the closing session of the Conference. The report will be made available on the dedicated UNOOSA webpage for the UN Conference on Space Law and Policy.