Register for IISL Happy Hour #13
Dear IISL members,
We will have a next IISL Happy Hour on 18 November 2022, 16:00-17:00 CET.
The theme is the review of IAC.
IAC-22 was held 18-24 September in Paris. Many of us, IISL members attended IAC and involved with various activities including especially making a presentation and/or exchanging views at the IISL Colloquium. Two months having passed since the IAC-22, it seems high time we reviewed the IAC-22 through members perspectives, lessons learned, prospects for the future IISL under the changing IAC environment, constructive proposals, etc. We need a good strategy for the prosperity of the IISL. Members who did not attend the IAC-22 are also equally or more strongly recommended to join the next IISL Happy Hour as you can get precious information from your colleagues and friends. we will freely discuss with a drink in our hand, which is fit for the Friday Happy Hour.