Update on IISL Lunchtime events during IAC 2024

During this year’s IAC in Milan, IISL is holding two special lunch time events: a General Counsel Roundtable and the presentation of the current work under the IISL Study Group on Legal Aspects of AI in space. 

General Counsel Roundtable 

On Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at 13-14 h in Green Hall 3 

This panel provides the General Counsels/Legal Advisers in Ministries and Agencies the opportunity to inform about current issues of particular relevance and to exchange with IISL members and audience. The GCR is moderated by IISL Officers PJ Blount and Lesley Jane Smith.

Participating Experts:
Nicoletta Bini, Italy
Christine Calvé, Canada
Ian Grosner, Brazil
Nomfuneko Majaja, South Africa
Gisela Süss, ESA
Gabriel Swiney, United States

Presentation and Discussion on the Draft Findings of the IISL Working Group on Legal Aspects of Al in Space

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 13-14 h in Green Hall 3 

During this interactive session, the IISL Working Group on Legal Aspects of AI in Space, chaired by Tuana Yazici, presents its current work product and invites IISL members and other interested congress participants to engage in a dialogue before the upcoming finalization of its study. The working group comprises esteemed members: Anne-Sophie Martin, Steven Wood, Lisa Kucher, Roser Almenar, Laura Yvonne Zielinski, Stefan-Michael Wedenig, and Giovanni Tricco.

Both Lunchtime Events will be introduced by IISL President Kai-Uwe Schrogl and are open to IISL Members as well as IAC participants.

We hope to see many of you there!
