IISL Happy Hour #18 held
IISL Happy Hours are events coordinated and co-hosted by IISL Members Setsuko Aoki and Quentin Verspieren. This is a monthly 60-minute program starting with a presentation by an IISL member about a recent project or study, followed by a free discussion session during which all participating IISL members are invited to chat and report on their relevant activities.

The 18th IISL Happy Hour was held on 31 January (Thursday) 1230- 1330 CET. The IISL President Kai-Uwe Schrogl made an opening remark reflecting the achievement of the IISL of the year 2024 and expressing a hope for 2025.Then, Prof. Olavo de O. Bittencourt Neto of the Catholic University of Santos (Brazil) made an academic presentation titled “The Risks of Space Law Fragmentation”. Very active Q and A sessions followed before some updating and casual chatting of the participants of the 18th IISl Happy Hour. Participants were about 25 members.
The presentation was followed by an active Q&A session.
The video recording of the 18th IISL Happy Hour is available below.