August 2024

IISL Elections 2024: Run-off Elections - Voting Information

The IISL Elections 2024 for Board and Officers were successfully held between 15 June and 15 July 2024. The IISL elections this year offered one open Vice-President position (IISL Officer) and nine open positions on the IISL Board of Directors (IISL Director). The specific results will be announced soon, however there was a tie in […]

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IISL Elections 2024: Run-off to be held 30 August to 15 September

Dear IISL Members,  The IISL Elections 2024 for Board and Officers were successfully held between 15 June and 15 July 2024. Participation in this years’ elections by IISL members in nominating and supporting candidates, and voting, was exceptionally high and we thank everyone for their participation in making the IISL Elections 2024 a truly democratic […]

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Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition - Statements of Facts for 2025 released

IISL has released the Statements of Facts and Summary of Agreed Statements of Facts for the 2025 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Case: Admetus v CronusCase Concerning the Legality of Space Activities in Conflicts Find our dedicated page for the 2025 MLSLMCC here:

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Obituary: H.E. Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin

9 August 2024 IISL is saddened to announce the passing of H.E. Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin on 7 August 2024. Judge Vereshchetin was a strong promoter of space law and a great supporter of IISL. He joined the Board of Directors in 1982 and served as Vice President for over ten years. The Institute awarded him […]

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IISL Happy Hour #16 held

IISL Happy Hours are events coordinated and co-hosted by IISL Members Setsuko Aoki and Quentin Verspieren. This is a monthly 60-minute program starting with a presentation by an IISL member about a recent project or study, followed by a free discussion session during which all participating IISL members are invited to chat and report on […]

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