Best Memorial – Eilene Galloway Award

The Eilene Galloway Award for Best Memorial is awarded to the best written arguments submitted by a team out of all the competing universities drawn from the four regions. 

  Best Oralist – Sterns and Tennen Award

The Best Oralist – Sterns and Tennen Award is awarded to the oralist who achieved the highest oral argument score during the different rounds.

2024 Finals

The 2024 Finals of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition were successfully held on Thursday, 17 October 2024, 15:00 h in Milan. The Finals took place at the Palazzo Emilio Turati, the site of the Milan Chamber of Commerce.

The Competition was organised by the IISL Moot Court Committee, comprised of Steven Freeland (Chair), Leslie I. Tennen (Co-Chair), Martha Mejia-Kaiser (Honorary Member), Melissa K. Force (Co-Chair), Alexander Soucek (Co-Chair), Isavella Vasilogeorgi (Co-Chair), and Masahiko Satoh (Co-Chair).

The Competition was judged by three sitting Judges of the International Court of Justice: H.E. Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia), H.E. Judge Iwasawa Yuji (Japan), and H.E. Judge Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil).

Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Finals 2024 at Palazzo Emilio Turati, site of the Milan Chamber of Commerce
The participarting teams

The Regional Rounds of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition 2024 were organised by the Regional Organisers: Nomfuneko Majaja (Regional Organiser Africa), Yu Takeuchi (Regional Organiser Asia-Pacific), V. Gopalakrishnan (Associate Regional Organiser Asia-Pacific), Nathan Johnson (Regional Organiser North America), Hristina Talkova (Regional Organiser Europe), and Jairo Becerra (Regional Organiser Latin America) and Laura Gamarra (Assistant Regional Organiser for Latin America).

The winners of the five regional rounds traveling to Milan and participating in the Semi Finals leading up to the Finals on 17 October 2024 were:

Africa: Midlands State University (Zimbabwe)
Asia-Pacific: Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Europe: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Latin America: National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)
North America: McGill University (Canada)

The two winning teams concluding the Semi Finals successfully and standing for the Finals were:

Asia-Pacific: Singapore Management University (Singapore);
Europe: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece).

Winners of the 2024 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Finals 2024

The Moot Court Finals were won by the Asia-Pacific team from Singapore Management University (Singapore).

Singapore Management University (Singapore):
Ms. Wu Zhi Yi Genieve
Ms. Ho Li Hui Elizabeth
Ms. Toh Hsuan Hui Raelee
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Chen Siyuan
Faculty Advisor Assistant: Ms. Teo Yi Ting Bernadette

(From left to right:) Steven Freeland, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, and the winning team 2024 of Singapore Management University
Moot Brochure

This year’s Moot Brochure can be downloaded below.

The event took place with the kind support of Greenberg Traurig, LLP.

2021 Lachs Moot Winners


The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (UK), Mr. Batuhan Betin, Mr. Harry Stratton and Ms. Clare Parkhouse


National Law School of India University (India), Ms. Anandita Tayal, Ms. Sanyukta Fauzdar and Ms. Rhea Prasad

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

National Law School of India University (India), Ms. Anandita Tayal, Ms. Sanyukta Fauzdar and Ms. Rhea Prasad

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

National Law School of India University (India), Ms. Rhea Prasad


H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice, President of the panel

H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Georg Nolte, International Court of Justice

The 30th Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition featured 92 teams across the globe arguing the case of Proclivia vs Asteria concerning mega-constellations, autonomous space operations and freedom of scientific investigation. The Problem, authored by Steven Freeland and Alexander Soucek, was inspired by the successes of the ‘NewSpace’ wave.

This was the first Latin America regional competition, which featured six teams from Brazil, Peru, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. Other regional competitions included 38 teams in Asia-Pacific, 23 in Europe, 18 in North America, and seven in Africa. All told, 92 teams competed in the 30th Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Conducting the preliminary and semi-final rounds among the champions of each region was challenging, but ESA and ECSL stepped in to offer their virtual platform.

After a preliminary round and two semi-final rounds, the Final match was between the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (AP), and the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple (EU). The Finals were judged by three Judges of the International Court of Justice: His Excellency Judge Kirill Gevorgian, His Excellency Judge Peter Tomka, who served as President of the panel, and His Excellency Judge Georg Nolte.

At the conclusion of the pleading and final deliberations, the judging panel announced the winning team was The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and the best oralist was Ms. Rhea Prasad, from the National Law School of India University.

The virtual Award Ceremony honored the Winning Team with a presentation of the Manfred Lachs trophy, the Lee Love cash prize, and a Plaque and Certificates. The Runner-up team was honored with a commemorative Plaque and Certificates. The Best Oralist was presented with the Sterns and Tennen cash award, a trophy and Certificate. The Eilene Galloway Award for the Best Memorial was presented to the National Law School of India University. Winners of the other regional rounds were also recognized.

2021 Problem

2020 Lachs Moot Winners


National Law University, Delhi (NLU-Delhi) (India), Abhishek Jain, Shubh Arora, and their teammate Anmol Dhawan

University of Vienna (Austria), Hristina Talkova, Rosanna Hoffmann, and their teammate Katharina Harreiter

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Vienna (Austria)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Hristina Talkova, University of Vienna (Austria)

2020 Problem

2019 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Ms. Iva Ramus Cvetkovic and Ms. Katja Grunfeld

University of Calabar (Nigeria), Mr. Augustine Ushie, Ms. Nelly Hellen Ebruka and Mr. John Kaunda

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

McGill University, Institute of Air & Space Law (Canada), Ms. Polly Averns and Ms. Niveditha Raju

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

University of Calabar (Nigeria), Mr. Ushie Augustine Eneji

2019 Problem

2018 Lachs Moot Winners


University of Pretoria (South Africa), Simon Botha and Mr. Simon Motshweni

Symbiosis Law School in Pune, India (AP), Shraddha Dubey, Someny Singhal and Malay Srivastava


Louisiana State University (North America), Zach Miller and Max Roberts

Belarusian State University (Belarus), Darya Bohdan and Alena Laurenava

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
Belarusian State University (Belarus), Darya Bohdan and Alena Laurenava

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Mr. Simon Botha, University of Pretoria (South Africa)


H.E. Judge Hanqin Xue, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian, International Court of Justice


Oral Pleadings

Prof. Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz (United States), Dr. Marco Ferrazzani (France), Dr. George D. Kyriakopoulos (Greece), Leslie I. Tennen, Esq. (United States), Asst. Prof. Tanja Masson-Zwaan (Netherlands), Professor Jose Monserrat (Brazil), Prof. K R Sridhara Murthi (India), Sumara Thompson-King, Esq. (United States)


Prof. Melissa deZwart (Australia), Adv. Phetole Sekhula (South Africa), Dr. Marco Ferrazzani (France), Chuck Dickey (United States), Dr. Catherine Doldirina (Italy),Prof. Steven Freeland (Australia), Dr. George D. Kyriakopoulos (Greece)

At the 69th International Astronautical Congress in Bremen, Germany, the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) organized the Final Rounds of the 2018 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Altogether, world-wide teams participated in the four Regional Rounds.

As the outcome of the pleads, an African team – made up of students from the University of Pretoria – has won the International Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition.

The World Finals on 4 October 2018 were judged by three sitting Members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ): H.E. Judge Hanqin Xue, H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, and H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian.

The problem, entitled Case Concerning Cyber Attack and Liability Issues (Neapilia v. Kalvion), on issues relating to activities in outer space carried out in parallel by two States, planetary protection, and outer space security, was authored by Dr. Marco Ferrazzani and Dr. George D. Kyriakopoulos.

Download the Brochure

2018 Problem

2017 Lachs Moot Winners

National Law School, India University at Bangalore (Asia Pacific), Sharan A. Bhavnani, Karan Dhalla, and Hrishika Jain

University of Mississippi (North America), Alexia Boggs and Mr. Kent Aldenderfer, supported by their teammate, Mr. Kyle Hansen


National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Europe)

University of Pretoria, South Africa (Africa)

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

National Law School, India University at Bangalore (Asia Pacific), Sharan A. Bhavnani, Karan Dhalla, and Hrishika Jain

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Alexia Boggs, University of Mississippi (North America)


H.E. Judge James Richard Crawford, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Kenneth Keith, Former Member, International Court of Justice


Oral Pleadings

Prof. Henry Hertzfeld (United States), Prof. Mahulena Hoffman, (Czech Republic), Dr. Ranjana Kaul (India), Dr. Seidu Onailo Mohammed (Nigeria), Dr. Elina Morozova (Russsia), Prof. Yun Zhao (China)


Dr. Ulrike M. Bohlmann (Germany), Prof. Melissa deZwart (Australia), Lusani Nelufule Mugivhi (South Africa), Rosa Maria Ramirez de Arellano y Haro (Mexico), Dr. Milton ‘Skip’ Smith, Esq. (United States), Prof. Dale Stephens (Australia), Adv. Phetole Patrick Sekula (South Africa)

At the 68th International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia, the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) organized the Final Rounds of the 2017 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Altogether, world-wide 74 teams participated in the four Regional Rounds. The World Finals on 28 September 2017 were judged by one former Member and two sitting Members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ): H.E. Ret. Judge Sir Kenneth Keith, H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian and H.E. Judge James Crawford. The problem, on issues relating to interference with the activities of states in the use of lunar resources, and the resolution of the dispute under the novel principles of ex aequo et bono, was authored by Dr. Michael Simpson, Executive Director of the Secure World Foundation, and Mr. Christopher Johnson, Secure World’s Space Law Advisor.

Download the Brochure

2017 Problem

2016 Lachs Moot Winners


National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece

Obafemi Awolowo University, City of Ile-Ife, Nigeria


McGill University, Institute of Air and Space Law, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
McGill University, Institute of Air and Space Law, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Ms Filareti Filaretou-Kouimtzi, National and Kapodistrian University


H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Xue Hanqin, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian, International Court of Justice


Orals: Dr Ulrike M. Bohlmann (Germany), Mr Dennis J. Burnett, Esq. (United States), Prof. Dr Sergio Marchisio (Italy), Prof. Dr Lesley-Jane Smith (UK), Dr Milton ‘Skip’ Smith, Esq. (United States), Prof. Yun Zhao (China).

Memorials: Dr. Michael Chatzipanagiotis (Greece), Dr. Philip De Man (Belgium), Ms. Icho Kealotswe (Botswana), Prof. Dr. Li Shouping (China), Mr. Maury J. Mechanick, Esq. (United States), Ms. Sherlene Monogamy (South Africa), Ms. Marcia Smith (United States), Dr. Yuri Takaya-Umehara (Japan) .

The World Finals were held at the Paraninfo Enrique Diaz de León, University of Guadalajara, in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 29 September 2016. Total participating universities numbered 58 in the four regions.

The 2016 Moot Court Problem, Case Concerning Space Debris, Commercial Spaceflight Services and Liability (Banche v. Rastalia) was written by Prof. Yun Zhao (China).Download the Brochure

2016 Problem

2015 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Mississippi, School of Law, Oxford, Mississippi, United States

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


Obafemi Awolowo University, City of Ile-Ife, Nigeria

NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

University of Mississippi, School of Law, Oxford, Mississippi, United States

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Mr Athanasios Plexidas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Dalveer Bhandari, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Kirill Gevorgian, International Court of Justice


Orals: Prof. Dr Frans G. von der Dunk (The Netherlands/United States), Dr Ranjana Kaul (India) and Dr Kai-Uwe Schrogl (Germany), Prof. Dr Steven Freeland (Australia), Dr Diane Howard (United States) and Dr Marco Ferrazzani (Italy).

Memorials: Ms Marcia Smith (United States), Dr Ulrike M. Bohlmann (Germany), Dr Zeldine Niamh O’Brien (Ireland), Ms Icho Kealotswe (South Africa), Prof. Li Juqian (China), Mr Maury J. Mechanick (United States), Prof. Vernon Nase (Australia) and Mr Chris Okegbe (Nigeria).

The Lachs Moot competition World Finals were held at the Crowne Plaza Jerusalem Hotel at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, Israel, on October 15, 2015. Total participating universities numbered 58 in the four regions. The 2015 Moot Court Problem, “Case Concerning Planetary Defense” (SPIDR v. URA)”, was written by Dr Frans G. von der Dunk (The Netherlands/United States) and Leslie I. Tennen (United States).

Download the Brochure

2015 Problem

2014 Lachs Moot Winners


National Law University (Delhi), Delhi, India

Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 

Obafemi Awolowo University, City of Ile-Ife, Nigeria
University of Paris Sud, Paris, France

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Mr Linesh Lalwani


H.E. Judge Leonid Skotnikov, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Xue Hanqin, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Joan E. Donoghue, International Court of Justice

Orals: Joanne Gabrynowicz (US), Stephan Hobe (Germany), Mahulena Hofmann (Czech Rep.), LI Shouping (China), K.R. Sridhara Murthi (India), Phetole Skhula (South Africa)
Memorials: Setsuko Aoki (Japan), Elisabeth Back-Impalomeni (Italy), Maury Mechanick (US), Vernon Nase (Australia), James Rendleman (US), Fabio Tronchetti (Italy). 

The 2014 World Finals were held at the Ministry of the Attorney General, Ontario Court of Law, Old City Hall, Toronto, Canada on 3 October 2014. Total participating universities numbered 61 in the four regions.

The 2014 problem was the Case Concerning Satellite Electromagnetic Interference (Akera v. Mheni) authored by Mahulena Hofmann (Czech Rep.), assisted by James Rendleman (US).Download the Official Brochure

2014 Problem

2013 Lachs Moot Winners

Ms Amanda Krause and Mr Adam Wesolowski
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Petra Vorwig
Faculty Advisor Assistant: Mr. Zachary C. Garthe

Ms Sonja Radosevic, Mr Philippe Carous, Mr Matthew Maniscalco
Faculty Advisor: Mrs Neta Palkovitz
Faculty Advisor Assistant: Mr Steven Wood


Ms Alexia Katsiginis, Ms Reabetswe Ntekana Mampane, Mr Matsobane Robert Maremo Matlou
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Lourens Botha Grové

Ms Nandini Paliwal, Mr Himesh Krishna Kharel and Mr Raghav Shukul
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Dr Srikrishna Deva Rao

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

Georgetown University, USA

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Mr Linesh Lalwani


H.E. Judge Leonid Skotnikov, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Xue Hanqin, International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge Julia Sebutinde, International Court of Justice


Prof. Dr. Setsuko Aoki (Japan), Professor of International Law, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Tare Brisibe (Nigeria), Chairman, Legal Subcommittee, COPUOS, Vienna, Austria

Prof. Diane Howard (USA), Professor, Commercial Space Operations Program, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd (Germany), Head Legal Support at DLR Space Agency, Germany

Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith (UK), Professor, Leuphana University Lueneburg; Partner, Weber-Steinhaus & Smith, Bremen, Germany

Prof. Zhenjun Zhang (China), Secretary General & Research Fellow, China Institute of Space Law, Beiijing, China

The 2013 World Finals were held at the Beijing Institute of Technology Law School, Beijing, China on 26 September 2013. Total participating universities numbered 60 in the four regions.

The 2013 problem was the Case Concerning the Operation of a Lunar Station (Lydios v. Endymion), written by Professor Setsuko Aoki (Japan).

Download the Brochure

2013 Problem

2012 Lachs Moot Winners


Vinodini Srinivasan, Viraj Parikh, Prem Ayyathurai
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarasu E. Thomas

Aikaterini Pitsoli, Melina-Asimina Stroungi, Stefania Vlachou
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Georgios Kyriakopoulos

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS, CALIFORNIA, USAJames Beck, Tyler LaytonFaculty Advisor: Prof. J. Angelo DeSantis

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award


H.E. Judge Abdul Koroma, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Leonid Skotnikov, International Court of Justice

Dr. Peter van Fenema (The Netherlands), Adj. Professor, McGill Institute of Air and Space Law, Montreal/Consultant
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Galloway (United States), Vice-President of the IISL
Prof. Steven Freeland (Australia), Associate Professor of International Law, University of West Sydney

The World Finals were held on 4 October 2012 at the Palazzo du Mesnil of the Università degli studi di Napoli ‘lOrientale’, Naples, Italy.

The world final was held on 30 September 2010 at the Regional Court of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

The 2010 problem was the Case concerning Suborbital Tourism, Definition of Outer Space and Liability (Aspirantia v. Republica) written by Peter van Fenema (Netherlands).Download the Official Brochure

2012 Problem

2011 Lachs Moot Winners

Florida State University College of Law (USA)
Ms Tanya Cronau, Ms Lynn Guery and Ms Anne Marie Rossi
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Nat Stern

National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Ms Navleen Kaur, Ms Mrinalini Singh and Mr Firas Mohamed A.M. Alsuwaigh
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Lim Lei Theng


Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Ms Maria Kiskachi and Mr Maxim Usynin
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Ksenia Shestakova

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

National University of Singapore

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Ms Navleen Kaur, National University of Singapore

H.E. Mme. Judge Hanqin Xue, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Abdul Koroma, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice

Prof. Dr Maureen Williams, (Argentina/United Kingdom), Professor, University of Buenos Aires/Conicet; Chair, Space Law Committee, International Law Association, London
Prof. Toshio Kosuge (Japan), Professor Emeritus, University of Electro-Communication; Professor, Digitalhollywood University and IISL Director
Prof. Dr Frans von der Dunk (The Netherlands), Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, College of Law and IISL Director

The 2011 competition had over 40 participating teams: 8 from Europe, 10 from North America, including one invited team from South America (Colombia) and 24 from the Asia-Pacific region.

The World Finals were held on 6 October 2011 at the High Court of Cape Town, South Africa.

The prospect of holding the World Finals of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition on the African continent for the first time presented the IISL with the opportunity to expand the moot court experience to schools which have not previously participated in the Competition. Teams from Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa participated in the African Introductory Round. Preliminary rounds were held on 5 October, and the two highest scoring teams competed in a Final Round on 6 October, prior to the World Finals. The IISL Board of Directors decided to create a new African Regional Round for the Competition beginning in 2012.

The 2011 problem was the Case concerning Environmental Contamination and Harmful Interference in Space Activities (Zuris v. Nova Freedonia) written by Dr Patricia Sterns and Dr Les Tennen (United States).

Download the Brochure

2011 Problem

2010 Lachs Moot Winners


George Washington University (USA)
Ms. Liana W. Yung, Ms. Christa J. Laser and Mr. Michael Saretsky
Faculty Adviser: Prof. Henry Hertzfeld

National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Mr. Muhammad Aidil bin Zulkifli, Mr. Dominic Wei’an Tan and Ms. Ying Li Zanetta Joan Sit
Faculty Adviser: Prof. Lim Lei Theng

University of Cologne (Germany)
Ms. Lisa Küpers, Mr. Martin Reynders and Mr. Erik Pellander.
Faculty Adviser: Mr. Jan Helge Mey

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
National University of Singapore

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Ms. Ying Li Zanetta Joan Sit , National University of Singapore

H.E. Judge Abdul Koroma, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice
H.E. Judge Leonid Skotnikov, International Court of Justice

Dr. Peter van Fenema (The Netherlands), Adj. Professor, McGill Institute of Air and Space Law, Montreal/Consultant
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Galloway (United States), Vice-President of the IISL
Prof. Steven Freeland (Australia), Associate Professor of International Law, University of West Sydney

The 2010 competition had over 40 participating teams 9 from Europe, 10 from North America and 29 from the Asia-Pacific region.

The world final was held on 30 September 2010 at the Regional Court of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

The 2010 problem was the Case concerning Suborbital Tourism, Definition of Outer Space and Liability (Aspirantia v. Republica) written by Peter van Fenema (Netherlands).Download the Official Brochure

2010 Problem

2009 Lachs Moot Winners

National Law School of India University (India)
Shwetank Ginodia, Abhimanyu George Jain and Raeesa Vakil
Coached by Dr. Sairam Bhat

Georgetown University (United States)
Christina Calce and Lorinda Laryea
Coached by Prof. Paul Larsen


University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Emma Boffey, Stephen Donnelly and Laura Mackenzie
Coached by Ms. Aimée Asante

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

Georgetown University (United States)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Raeesa Vakil (National Law School of India University)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia)
Judge Leonid Skotnikov (Russia)

Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany)
Prof. Ram Jakhu (Canada)
Prof. Sang-Myun Rhee (Republic of Korea)

The 2009 competition had over 40 teams participating across all three regions.

The world semi-final was held on 13 October 2009 between the National Law School of India University (India) and University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom). The world final was held on 15 October 2009 at the Solomon Law Park, Daejeon, Korea.

The 2009 problem, Case Concerning the Deployment and Use of Force in Low Earth Orbit (Fornjot v Telesto), was written by Ricky J. Lee (Australia).

Download the Brochure

2009 Problem

2008 Lachs Moot Winners


University of New South Wales (Australia)
Madeleine Ellicott, Tamara Phillips and Katrina Taylor
Coached by Mr. Pouyan Afshar

University of Augsburg (Germany)
Christian Odehnal, Melanie Ortlieb and Maximilian Widmann
Coached by Ms. Sarah Schumann

Georgetown University (United States)
Robert Gajarsa and Jonathan Reisman
Coached by Prof. Paul Larsen

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Augsburg (Germany)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Madeleine Ellicott (University of New South Wales)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia)
Prof. Francis Lyall (United Kingdom)

Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany)
Mr S. R. Sridhara Murthi (India)
Prof. Maureen Williams (Argentina)

The 2008 competition had over 50 teams participating across all three regions. The world semi-final was held on 30 September between the University of New South Wales (Australia) and Georgetown University (United States). The world final was held on 2 October at the City Chambers, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The 2008 problem, Case Concerning the Continued Provision of Lifeline Satellite Services to Countries in the Face of Satellite Operator Insolvency (Concordia & Landia v Usurpia), was written by John Gantt and Maury Mechanick (United States).Download the Official Brochure

2008 Problem

2007 Lachs Moot Winners

George Washington University (United States)
David J. Western, Magin T. Puig-Monsen and Carlos F. Laboy
Coached by Prof. Henry R. Hertzfeld

University of Queensland (Australia)
Rola Lin, Breanna Hamilton and Alexander Meaney
Coached by Mr Matthew Jones


University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Jason Bonin, Scott Phillips and Lauren Payne
Coached by Dr Frans von der Dunk

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

University of Queensland (Australia)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Rola Lin (University of Queensland)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Hisashi Owada (Japan)
Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia)

Prof. Elisabeth Back Impallomeni (Italy)
Prof. Jonathan Galloway (United States)
Prof. V. S. Mani (India)

The 2007 competition had total of 54 teams participating across all three regions, with 9 universities in North America, 6 universities in Europe and 39 universities in the Asia Pacific Region.

The world semi-final was held on 25 September between the University of Leiden (Netherlands) and George Washington University (United States).

The world final was held on 27 September at the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research. Hyderabad.

The 2007 problem, Case Concerning International Liability (Emeralda v Mazonia), was written by Jean-Francois Mayence (Belgium) and David Sagar (United Kingdom).

Download the Brochure

2007 Problem

2006 Lachs Moot Winners


University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Jonathan Orpin and James Townshend
Coached by Mr Isaac Hikaka

McGill University (Canada)
Andrew Williams, Michael Taylor and Susan Trepszynski
Coached by Prof. Ram Jakhu

Catholic University, Leuven (Belgium)
Emmanuel De Groof, Gareth Price and Batist Paklons
Coach: Dr. Walter Thiebaut

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
McGill University (Canada)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Andrew Williams (McGill University)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Bernardo Sepulveda (Mexico)
Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia)

Mr Steven Freeland (Australia)
Dr Olivier Ribbelink (Netherlands)
Dr Marcia Smith (United States)

The 2006 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition had total of 56 teams participating across all three regions, with 9 universities in North America, 10 universities in Europe and a record 40 universities in the Asia Pacific Region.

The world semi-final was held on 3 October between the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Auckland (New Zealand). The world final was held on 5 October at the Supreme Court of Valencia.

The 2006 problem, Case Concerning the Sale and Operation of Certain Commercial Remote Sensing Satellites (Galatea v Thalassa), was written by Ricky J. Lee (Australia).Download the Official Brochure

2006 Problem

2005 Lachs Moot Winners

George Washington University (United States)
Kristie Blase and Olivia Hussey
Coached by Prof. Henry Hertzfeld and Mr. Steven Mirmina

National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Kirpalani Rakesh Gopal and Joan Lim Pei Hoon
Coached by Asst. Prof. Lim Lei Theng


University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Daniel Bovensiepen, Chris Owen and Alessandro Turati
Coached by Prof. James Crawford

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Joan Lim Pei Hoon (National University of Singapore)

Judge Hisashi Owada (Japan)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

Prof. Ram Jakhu (Canada)
Dr Peter van Fenema (Netherlands)
Mr K. R. Sridhara Murthi (India)

The 2005 competition has produced the largest Lachs Moot to date, with a total of 50 teams participating across all three regions, with 9 universities in North America, 10 universities in Europe and a record 31 universities in the Asia Pacific.

The world semi-final was held on 18 October between the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and George Washington University (United States). The world final was held on 20 October at the Seinan Gakuin University.

The 2005 problem, Case Concerning International Liability (Deltastan v Gammaland), was written by Mr. Dennis Burnett (United States).

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2005 Problem

2004 Lachs Moot Winners


University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Ioana Cristoiu, Nathanael Horsley and Taras Ploshchansky

Georgetown University (United States)
Melissa Beiting and Matthew Getz

National Law School of India University (India)
Aditya Sudarshan, Shadan Farasat and Surabhi Ranganathan

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Leiden (Netherlands)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Melissa Beiting (United States)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)
Judge Francisco Rezek (Brazil)

Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany)
Mr Steven Freeland (Australia)
Ms Marcia Smith (United States)

The 2004 competition again broke records for its size, involving a total of 21 teams from the Asia Pacific, 9 teams from Europe and 8 teams from North America.

The world semi-final was held on 5 October between the National Law School of India University and Georgetown University (United States). The world final was held in Vancouver.

The 2004 problem, Case Concerning the Commercialisation of a Space Station (Palladia v Zirconia), was written by Dr Andrew Farand (France), Mr Ricky J. Lee (Australia) and Dr Frans von der Dunk (Netherlands).Download the Official Brochure

2004 Problem

2003 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Jesse Wilson and Isaac Hikaka

Georgetown University (United States)
Amanda Shafer, Petra Vorwig and Melissa Beiting


University of Bremen (Germany)
Deirdre Ni Chearbhaill, Kamlesh Gungaphul and Giorgi Kavtaradze

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

University of Bremen (Germany)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Petra Vorwig (United States)

Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany)
Ms Marcia Smith (United States)
Dr Olivier Ribbelink (Netherlands)

The 2003 competition saw the participation of 13 teams in the Asia Pacific, 5 teams in Europe and 7 teams in North America.

The world semi-final was held on 30 September between the University of Bremen (Germany) and the University of Auckland (New Zealand). The world final was held on 1 October 2003 at the Langericht of Bremen.

The 2003 problem, Case Concerning The Mineral Exploitation of Boznêmcová And Related Incidents (Vesta v Ceres), was written by Mr. Ricky J. Lee (Australia) and Mr. Michael E. Davis (Australia).

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2003 Problem

2002 Lachs Moot Winners

Georgetown University (United States)
Victoria Williams, Kelly Gable and Petra Vorwig

University of New South Wales (Australia)
Victoria-Anne Davidson, Caroline Ang and Johanna O’Rourke

University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
Sethu Nandakumar and Sagee Sasikumar

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of New South Wales (Australia)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award Victoria Williams (United States)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Thomas Buergenthal (United States)
Judge Nabil Elaraby (Egypt)

In the largest Lachs Moot to date, the 2002 competition attracted the participation of 11 teams in the Asia Pacific, 7 teams in Europe and 5 teams in North America.The world semi-final was held on 15 October between Georgetown University (United States) and the University of Warwick (United Kingdom). The world final was held on 17 October 2002 at the University of Houston. The 2002 problem, Case Concerning International Liability (Utopia v Friendlistan), was written by Dr Ram Jakhu (Canada), Dr William Wirin (United States) and Dr John Gantt (United States). Download the Official Brochure

2002 Problem

2001 Lachs Moot Winners

National University of Singapore
Gerardine Goh and Celina Chua

University of North Carolina (United States)
Charles C. Kyles and J. Patrick Haywood


University of Dijon (France)
Nichaolas Bauch Labesse, Jamel Rbah and Severine Ros

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award

University of North Carolina (United States)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award

Charles C. Kyles (United States)

Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany)
Prof. Joanne Gabrynowicz (United States)
Prof. Maurice Andem (Finland)

From 2001, the new Manfred Lachs Trophy was awarded to the winning team of the world finals. It was sponsored by two generous members of the I.I.S.L. and arranged by Dr Leslie Tennen..

The world semi-final was held on 2 October 2001 between University of Dijon (France) and the University of North Carolina (United States). The world final was held on 4 October in the historic Hotel-Dieu St Jacques.

The 2001 problem, Case Concerning Access to ESI-1 Data (Soliscalor v Cornucopia), was written by Dr. Frans von der Dunk (Netherlands).

2001 Problem

2000 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Paris XI (France)
Odile Giraud, Oliver Huth and Marie Diop

Hamline University (United States)
Bryant Tchida and Allen Blair

National University of Singapore
Valerie Phua and Tan Kok Peng

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Paris XI (France)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award
Allen Blair (United States)

Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

With the creation of the Asia Pacific Regional Round, a semi-final is now held between the two lower-ranked combined scores for their memorials, with the team having the best memorials advancing directly to the world final.

The world semi-final was held on 3 October 2000 between Hamline University (United States) and the National University of Singapore. The world final was held on 5 October in the First Court of Justice of Rio. It was also decided that, from 2000, the best memorials award is to be named “Eilene M. Galloway Award for Best Memorials”, sponsored by Ms. Marcia Smith and Prof. Isabella Diederiks-Verschoor.

The 2000 problem, Case Concerning a Nuclear Powered Satellite (Homeria v San Marcos), was written by Dr Leslie Tennen and Dr John Gantt (United States).

2000 Problem

1999 Lachs Moot Winners

Vanderbilt University (United States)
Bill Wade and Alan Mingledorff

University of Paris XI (France)
Irene Aupetit and Mickael Torrado

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Paris XI (France)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award
Alan Mingledorff (United States)

Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

The 1999 world final was a special one as it was held in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace Palace in The Hague, thanks to the arrangements made by Judge Vereshchetin and the Institute of Air and Space Law at the University of Leiden.

The 1999 problem, Case Concerning the Mor-Toaler Sea Launch Project (Brezonec v Mastodonia), was written by Prof. Armel Kerrest (France) and Prof. Francis Lyall (United Kingdom).

1999 Problem

1998 Lachs Moot Winners

University of North Carolina (United States) 
Robin Frankenberry and Gary Smith

University of Helsinki (Finland) 
Mirkka Mykkanen and James Summers

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Helsinki (Finland)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award
Robin Frankenberry (United States)

Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka)
Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

Monash University, Australia, hosted the first world final to be held in the Southern Hemisphere on 1 October 1998 in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

The 1998 problem, Case Concerning the Commercial Exploitation of the Moon: The Rover Games Project (Freedom v Bravatia), was written by Dr Declan O’Donnell and Dr John Gantt (United States).

1998 Problem

1997 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Paris XI (France)
Ranjani Srinivasan, Jean Francois Renaud and Amine Lachaani

University of North Carolina (United States)
Christina Benson and Scott Syfert

Best Memorials, Eilene Galloway Award
University of Paris XI (France)

Best Oralist, Sterns and Tennen Award
Ranjani Shrinivasan (France)
Christina Benson (United States)

Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone)
Judge Francisco Rezek (Brazil)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)

The University of Turin, Italy, hosted the world final on 9 October 1997.

For the first time, awards were presented at the world finals for the best memorial, donated by Prof. Stephen Gorove, and for the best oralists, donated by the Law Offices of Sterns and Tennen.

The 1997 problem, Case Concerning Commercial Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Systems (Openskey v Antipapadia), was written by Dr. Paul Henry Tuinder (the Netherlands), Mr. Marco Ferrazzani (Italy) and Frans von der Dunk (the Netherlands).

1997 Problem

1996 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Helsinki (Finland)
Satu Heikkila and Anna Markkanen

University of Wyoming (United States)
Bastiaan Coebergh and Joseph Richer

Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)
Judge Geza Herczegh (Hungary)

The University of Beijing, People’s Republic of China, hosted the world final on 10 October 1996.

The 1996 problem, Case Concerning Liability for Commercial Space Endeavours (Parlivia v Californium), was written by Dr. Pamela Meredith (United States).

1996 Problem

1995 Lachs Moot Winners

University of North Carolina (United States)
Sara Hall and John Clerici

University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Merel Nahuysen and Tom Kok

Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russia)
Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka)

The University of Oslo, Norway, hosted the world final on 5 October 1995.

The 1995 problem, Case Concerning the Use of the Geostationary Orbit for Satellite Television Broadcasting (Agrethia v Pathron), , was written by Dr. Said Mosteshar (United Kingdom).

1995 Problem

1994 Lachs Moot Winners

John Marshall University (Chicago, United States)
Daniel Groth and Jollene Kime

University of Helsinki (Finland)
Peter Iiskola, Craig Thompson and Kari Vallonen

Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)
Judge Geza Herczegh (Hungary)
Judge Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, hosted the world final in its Senate Hall on 13 October 1994.

The 1994 problem, Case Concerning the Use of a Space Station (Alpha v Gamma), , was written by Dr. John Gantt (United States). The problem dealt with intellectual property rights, an international space station and liability.

1994 Problem

1993 Lachs Moot Winners

University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Ernst Boucher and Geoffrey van Leeuwen

George Washington University (United States)
Guy Christiansen, Eric Edmondson and Charles Hildebrandt

Dr Nandasiri Jasentuliyana (Sri Lanka)
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Matte (Canada)
Prof. Francis Lyall (United Kingdom)

After Judge Manfred Lachs, President of the IISL, passed away in January, it was decided that the competition would be named in his honour and memory.

For the first time, European law schools were invited to participate, with the University of Rome (Italy) and the University of Leiden (the Netherlands) accepting the challenge, meeting George Washington University in the world final.

The final was held on 21 October 1993 at the Castle of Graz University, Graz, Austria. Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France) was to preside over the final, but was prevented from doing so as a result of airline strikes.

The 1993 problem, Case Concerning the Commercial Exploitation of the Moon (Xavage v Adastra), dealt with commercial exploitation of the Moon and use of nuclear power sources in space.

1993 Problem

1992 Lachs Moot Winners

George Washington University (United States)
S. Alexandrov and T. H. Cohen

George Washington University (United States)
S. Hawk and P. Borys

Judge Manfred Lachs (Poland)
Judge Stephen Schwebel (United States)
Judge Gilbert Guillaume (France)

H. DeSaussure
F. Lyall
R. Jakhu

The inaugural competition was organised by the Association of U.S. Members of the IISL and three law schools in the Washington area were invited to participate.  The final was held on 2 September 1992 at Georgetown University.  The 1992 final was unique in that both teams were from George Washington University.

The 1992 problem, Case Concerning Recovery and Return of Non-Functional Satellites (Beta v Astra), was written by Lt. Col. Kenneth Schwetje and Dr Skip Smith (U.S.).

1992 Problem