Nationality: German
Country of Residence: Germany
Nominator: Lesley Jane Smith
Supporters: Ingo Baumann, Marietta Benkö, Ulrike Maria Bohlmann, Niklas Hedman, Martha Meija-Kaiser, Scarlet O’Donnell, Gina Petrovici
Professional path (including present position)
1985-1987 Insurance Company
1987- 2020 German Aerospace Center, DLR, Space Agency Legal Advisor Spacelab Mission D-2 (1987-1988)
Assistant of the board (1989-1990)
Strategy Department (1991-1992)
Head of an Admin. Project Management Department (1993-2009) Head Legal Department Space Agency (2010-2016)
Head Department on UN Affairs (2017-2019)
Senior Scientist (2020)
Lecturer Leuphana University (present position)
Education and degree
1974 High-school Diploma
1975-1980 Law Studies in Cologne and Geneva
1981-1983 Legal clerkship (Referendariat)
Title of qualification awarded
- Legal state exam 1980
- Legal state exam 1983
Postgraduate Doctoral Degree in Law Dr. iur. (Cologne) 1986 Honorary Professor Leuphana University 2019
Main publications in English
I) Monographs / Books
Hobe, St. / Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume I /II, Div. Translations/Synopsis to Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Spanish, 2016-2023 (Dykinson Publisher, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag et alia)
Hobe, St. / Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume III, Köln 2015
Hobe, St. / Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume II, Köln 2013
Hobe, St. / Freeland, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), In Heaven as on Earth – The Interaction of Public International Law on the Legal Regulation of Outer Space, Bonn 2013
Hobe, St. / Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume I, Köln 2009
Hobe, St. / Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. (Ed.), ‘Project 2001 Plus‘ - Global and European Challenges for Air and Space Law at the Edge of the 21st Century, Köln, 2006
Hobe, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Schrogl, K.-U. (Ed.), Current Issues in the Registration of Space Objects, Proceedings of the Workshop 20 / 21 January 2005 in Berlin, Köln 2005
Hobe, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Schrogl, K.-U. (Ed.), Towards a Harmonised Approach for National Space Legislation in Europe, Proceedings of the Workshop 29 / 30 January 2004 in Berlin, Köln, 2004
Hobe, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Schrogl, K.-U. (Ed.), Consequences of Air Transport Globalization, Proceedings of the Workshop 8 / 9 May 2003 in Cologne, Köln, 2003
Hobe, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Schrogl, K.-U. (Ed.), Legal Aspects of the Future Institutional Relationship between the European Union and the European Space Agency, Proceedings of the Workshop, 5 / 6 December 2002, Brussels, Köln, 2003
II) Chapters and Articles (extract)
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Registration Requirements for Satellites and the reality of large Constellations, in: Routledge Handbook of Commercial Space Law, London, p. 331, 2024
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Registration Requirements for Satellites and the reality of large Constellations, in: Liber Amicorum Sergio Marchisio, Vol.II, p. 1189, Napoli 2022
Schmidt-Tedd, B. /Soucek, A., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science, Registration of Space Objects 2019
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Reynders, M., Cross-Border Transfer of Operation (Ownership) of Satellites – Solutions in line with the Space Treaties, in: Proceedings of the 4th Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communications Law, Ownership of Satellites, 2015
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Stelmakh, O., Capacity Building of the National Space Legislation in Post-Soviet Countries: The Recent Contribution of Kazakhstan, in: IISL, Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2014, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2015, p. 71
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Hedman, N. / Hurtz, A., The Registration Practice Resolution: Recommendations on Enhancing the Practice of States and International Intergovernmental Organisations in Registering Space Objects (UNGA Res. 62/101 of 17 December 2007), in: Hobe/Schmidt-Tedd/Schrogl (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume III, Carl Heymanns, Köln 2015
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Pellander, E., The Negotiations at Berlin - What Promise for the Future?, in: IISL, Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2013, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2014, p. 71
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Bohlmann, U. / Malysheva, N. R. / Stelmakh, O. / Tennen, L. I., The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, in: Hobe/Schmidt-Tedd/Schrogl (Hrsg.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume II, Carl Heymanns, Köln 2013
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Pellander, E., From Cape Town to Berlin – a new instrument for financing space assets, The Aviation and Space Journal (11) 2012, p. 32
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Khalimova, G. / Teselkin, S., The legal problems of providing the space activity of space objects launching by aerospace launch systems with the participation of several States (Polyot Air Launch Project as an example), in: IISL, Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2011, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2012, p. 500
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Authorization of Space Activities after the Entry into Force of the EU Reform Treaty, in: von der Dunk (Ed.), National Space Legislation in Europe – Issues of Authorisation of Private Space Activities in the Light of Developments in European Space Cooperation, Martinus Nijhof, Leiden/Boston 2011, p. 297
Schmidt-Tedd, B., The Relationship between the EU and ESA within the Framework of European Space Policy and its Consequences for Space Industry Contracts, in: Smith/Baumann (Ed.), Contracting for Space – Contract Practice in the European Space Sector, Ashagte, Farnham 2011, p. 25
Schmidt-Tedd, B., The Geographical Return Principle and its Future within the European Space Policy, in: Smith/Baumann (Ed.), Contracting for Space – Contract Practice in the European Space Sector, Ashagte, Farnham 2011, p. 85
Schrogl, K.-U. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Human Spaceflight Under a Future "Space Traffic Management" Regime, in: Lafferranderie/Marchisio (Ed.), The Astronauts and Rescue Agreement, European Center for Space Law, Paris 2011
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Mick, St., Article VIII Outer Space Treaty, in: Hobe/Schmidt-Tedd/Schrogl (Ed.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume I, Carl Heymanns, Köln 2009
Hobe, St. / Heinrich, O. / Kerner, I. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Ten Years of Cooperation between ESA and EU: Current Issues, ZLW 2009, p. 49
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Arnold, I., The UNIDROIT Draft of a Space Assets Protocol - A Civil Law Instrument under a Public Law Framework, in: IISL, Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2008, AIAA, 2009, p. 71
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Kroymann, M., Current Status and Recent Developments in German Remote Sensing Law Journal of Space Law (34) 2008, p. 97
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Arnold, I., The French Act relating to space activities: From international law idealism to national industrial pragmatism, ESPI Perspectives (11) 2008
Gerhard, M. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Germany Enacts Legislation on the Distribution of Remote Sensing Satellite Data, in: IISL, Proceedings of the 50th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 24–28 September 2007 Hyderabad (India), AIAA, 2008, p. 411
Marenkov, D. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Russian Federation/introduction, in: Böckstiegel/Benkö/Hobe (Hrsg.), Space Law, Basic Legal Documents (loose-leaf), Eleven International Publishing, The Hague
Gerhard, M. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Current problems in registering space objects, Newsletter Outer Space, International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, Paris, June 2006, p. 4
Gerhard, M. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Regulatory Framework for the Distribution of Remote Sensing Satellite Data: Germany’s Draft Legislation on Safeguarding Security Interests, in: Proceedings 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Fukuoka 2005), AIAA, Washington 2006
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Gerhard, M., How to adapt the Present Regime for Registration of Space Objects to new Developments in Space Applications?, in: Proceedings 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Fukuoka 2005), AIAA, Washington 2006
Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Gerhard, M., Registration of Space Objects: Which are the Advantages for States resulting from Registration?, in: Space Law: Current Problems and Perspectives for Future Regulation, Utrecht 2005, p. 123
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Methods of Harmonisation – Global or Regional / European Harmonisation, in: Hobe, St. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Schrogl, K.-U. (Ed.), Towards a Harmonised Approach for National Space Legislation in Europe, Proceedings of Project 2001 PLUS, Workshop Berlin 29 / 30 January 2004, Köln 2004, p. 137 Reif, S. / Schmidt-Tedd, B. / Wannenmacher, K., Report of the ‘Project 2001’ Working Group Report on Privatisation, in: K.-H. Böckstiegel (Ed.), ‘Project 2001’ – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, Heymanns Verlag, Köln 2002, p. 405
Schmidt-Tedd, B., The Launch Customers’ Point of View - Introductory Remarks, in: Legal Framework for Commercial Launch und Associated Services, Proceedings of Project 2001, Workshop Bremen 19 January 2000, Universität Köln 2001, p. 55
Reif, S. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Legal Framework for Expanding Privatisation in Space: Views and Interim Results from the “Project 2001” -Working Group on Privatisation, in: Proceedings 42nd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Amsterdam 1999), AIAA, Washington 2000, p. 139
Kreuzberg, K. / Schmidt-Tedd, B., Data Sharing Agreement for the German Spacelab D-2 Mission – A new Approach for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Scientific Cooperation, in: Proceedings 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Montreal 1991), AIAA, Washington 1992, p. 215
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Current Industrialization Agreements in Microgravity Research: Japanese Contribution to D-2/Texus and trends in Space Business, in: Proceedings 33rd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Dresden 1990), AIAA Washington 1991, p. 78
Schmidt-Tedd, B., Best Efforts Principle and Terms of Contract in Space Business, in: Proceedings 31st Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Bangalore 1988), AIAA, Washington 1989, p. 330
Membership and professional affiliation
International Academy of Astronautics IAA, Commission V Space Policy, Law & Economics International Institute of Space Law IISL
European Center of Space Law ECSL
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt DGLR
Committee functions:
Chair of the Working Group of Status and Application of the five UN treaties, Legal Subcommittee UNCOPUOS (2016-2022)
Co-Chair UNIDROIT Preparatory Commission for the Space Asset Protocol (2012-2022)
Awards and other accomplishments
IISL Book Award (CoCoSL 2009)
IISL Award of Appreciation 2015
Space law expertise
Space Law Lecturer at University Stuttgart / IRS since 2003 Space Law Lecturer at the Leuphana University since 2017 35 years in legal positions of DLR, German Aerospace Center 25 years expert in the German delegation LSC
Cooperative legal/space law projects with the Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law, e.g. Project 2001, Cologne Commentary on Space Law (since 1996)
Regular active participation in UN Space Law Conferences (2014 Beijing, 2016 Vienna, 2017 Graz, 2018 Moscou, 2018 Vienna UNISPACE+50, 2019 Istanbul, 2020 online Africa, 2022 online Chile)
IISL Position applied for
IISL Director
Specify your relationship with the IISL
Member IISL since ca. 1989
regular participation in IISL IAC Sessions, with papers or as co-chair
Specify the reason for applying for the postition and how you can serve IISL
Contributing of expertise in capacity building in space law to the work of the Board, based on a longstanding experience in space business and academic work. Contribute to ensuring a high standard of space law in times of increasingly dynamic developments in the space business.
Name, Surname of Nominator
Prof. Leslie Jane Smith (Vice Presid.)
Nominator's reasons for nominating the nominee
Nomination for Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd is a long-standing space lawyer of high esteem, with unique insight and experience of space agency operations, their accompanying funding and procurement mechanisms at national and international level, and who masters international cooperation. His work as head of the Legal and Contract department, thereafter as head of UN Affairs with the German Space Agency at a decisive time before the Fall of the Iron Curtain led him to forge – and thereafter maintain - important connections to the space law community in those states formerly belonging to the Soviet Union, and also beyond. He is at home on the parquet of international space actors, and a recognized member of the space law community.
His clear presence as a member of the German Delegation at the Legal Subcommittee for almost a working life-span have given him valuable insights into the operations and procedural rules of the Committee itself. This means that Bernhard is known to his peers across other state member delegations, and commands their full respect.
Of note in this context is his status as Chair of the Working Group on Status and Application of the five UN Space Treaties for the period 2016-2022, as well as his contributions in hosting the High-Level Fora in the context of UNISPACE+50 and the regular contributions to the UN Space Law workshops (2014 Beijing, 2016 Vienna, 2017 Graz, 2018 Moscow, 2018 Vienna UNISPACE+50, 2019 Istanbul, 2020 online Africa, 2022 online Chile).
Alongside Bernhard’s known ability to organise and manage high level legal symposia (e.g. 2018 UN /German High Level Forum, Bonn), his further strengths and skills lie in the ability to structure and craft legal scholarship on the subject of space law. This interest was fostered through direct experience for the Agency in producing and publishing essential materials for capacity building and the dissemination of space law; Bernhard emphasized this medium as an important means of maintaining open dialogue at all levels and times. He was the leading initiator of the Cologne Commentaries of Space Law, hosted by the renowned Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law, facilitating Agency funding to sponsor the CoCoSL project over its almost twenty years of activities (2004-2023). It was at his initiative too that the CoCoSL volumes were subsequently translated into Russian, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish; foreseeing consistent interpretation of the Treaties as a common denominator in the community of interested parties, from industry to practitioners and scholars, shows his commitment to the function and role of space law. The post nineties saw countries beyond Europe looking to the continued publication and scholarship emerging from Germany and Europe. He hosted interns and PhD students from different countries in his department.
Despite multiple professional obligations and travel, Bernhard always maintained a strong interest in University teaching, and as supervisor of PhD theses; he accomplished this by bridging academic and professional perspectives. One important and lasting personal outcome of his UN activities as Chair of the Working group is the Guidance Document of 2022 (Bringing the benefits of space to all countries: a guidance document on the legal framework for space activities, A/AC.105/C.2/117).
Bernhard’s profile as a space law expert, a scholar, a facilitator and proponent of international dialogue means that, as an unique interface to the global community of the varied space stakeholders, his services to IISL are of tremendous value at this juncture in the development of the law, as the use of outer space and its actors undergoes transition. I commend him to you as a Board Director of the International Institute of Space Law highly.
Lesley Jane Smith
Vice President IISL
Ingo Baumann
Marietta Benkö
Ulrike Maria Bohlmann
Niklas Hedman
Martha Meija-Kaiser
Scarlet O’Donnell
Gina Petrovici