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Annual Standing Committee Reports
At the meeting of the IISL Board of Directors held at Brighton, United Kingdom, in October 1987, the Board decided to create a standing committee of the Institute to prepare and submit at each annual Colloquium a report on the status of agreements relating to activities in outer space.Institute members who can contribute substantively to […]
Eleventh Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law 2019
Each year since 2009, at the International Astronautical Congress, the Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law is presented by a leading expert on space law. The 2019 Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law was presented at the IISL colloquium during the IAC in Washington D.C., United States. It was given by Setsuko Aoki and entitled International […]
In memoriam: Edward R. Finch Jr. (1919-2011)
Edward R. Finch, Jr., a longtime member of IISL, passed away on 4 September 2011 at the age of 92. Ambassador Finch was a member of the U.S. delegation to UNISPACE in 1982 and 1999 and a Permanent NGO Representative to COPUOS. He was on the Board of Directors of the National Space Society and […]
In memoriam: Eduardo Gaggero (1937-2011)
Sadly, Dr Eduardo Gaggero is no longer with us. His friends and colleagues remember him as a figure of great renown in the field of air and space law, not only on the international scene but also as head of CIDA-E, the Uruguayan Centre for Air and Space Law, which he loved so much and […]
The Law of Outer Space, An Experience in Contemporary Law Making
The IISL republished The Law of Outer Space, An Experience in Contemporary Law Making by Judge Manfred Lachs. The new edition was edited by Prof. Tanja Masson-Zwaan and Prof. Stephan Hobe and published by Nijhoff/Brill. Publisher: Brill | Nijhoff Brochure
In memoriam: S. Neil Hosenball (1925-2009)
Our member S. Neil Hosenball passed away on 23 December 2009. He was born in New York, and was a graduate of Harvard University law school. He was a lawyer in Cleveland before joining the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). After many years as Deputy General Counsel, Dr. Hosenball served as NASA’s General Counsel […]
Space Law: a Bibliography – 1958-1994
Space Law: a Bibliography, a cumulative index of the Proceedings of IISL Colloquia, 1958-1994 (UN, 1996, V.96-81142-March 1996). This Bibliography contains a cumulative index of the Proceedings of IISL Colloquia, 1958-1994, searchable by author and by topic, available here.
In memoriam: Eilene M. Galloway (1906-2009)
It is with sadness that the International Institute of Space Law notes the passing of Eilene Marie Galloway on 2 May 2009. She had been recently diagnosed with inoperable cancer and lived her final days at home surrounded by family and friends. Monday 4 May would have been her 103rd birthday. In the 15 May […]
Further statement by the IISL Board of Directors on claims to lunar property rights
In view of recent misleading views and discussions on this subject in the press, the IISL Board considers that it is appropriate to further clarify a number of salient points as follows: International Law establishes a number of unambiguous principles, according to which the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other […]
In memoriam: Lee Morse Love (2008)
Lee Morse Love, a pioneer in reporting on United Nations’ efforts to ensure the peaceful uses of outer space for over 40 years, passed away Sunday 31 August 2008. She wrote about the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space from its early days, and her personal relations were so close with […]