Confirmation of nomination of new IISL members
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name – last name
Do you confirm your nomination
Do you give your unambiguous consent for the IISL to collect, process, store and use your personal data as specified in the IISL General Authorization (see below description)
The European Union is implementing a Global Data Protection Regulation that requires IISL to obtain consent to process and store personal information of certain of its members. Consequently, IISL is requesting all members to provide a consent as follows: I authorize the International Institute of Space Law (“IISL”) to collect, process and store my personal information (data) that I have submitted or will, in the future, submit to IISL for the purposes of my nomination for membership, admission to membership, nomination for service on the IISL Board, nomination as officer of the IISL, service of any of the IISL committees, invoicing and payment of membership dues, or invoicing and payment for any functions, services, goods or donations. Such personal information may include the following: first name; middle name or middle initial; last name; title; date of birth; nationality; mailing address; e-mail address(es); phone number(s); affiliation; position; previous affiliations, academic background and degrees, scientific research, publications, contributions to IISL activities, participation in IISL events or events of IISL partner organizations, and Curriculum Vitae. I also understand that IISL maintains a database of its members (both individual and prospective members and institutional members and their representatives) at and that if I so choose, this information will be made available to other IISL members. Access to this database will not be made available to other members of IISL (other than the administrators of the data base) unless I expressly authorize such availability. I understand that if I authorize other members of IISL to access this database, IISL will have no control over its subsequent use and/or distribution to third parties (i.e., parties that are not members of IISL). I understand that the IISL maintains an internet and social media presence (through the IISL homepage (, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, etc.) and that personal information (including my name and affiliation) related to my attendance and/or presentations at IISL events, including individual and group photos, may be posted on the IISL homepage and/or on such social media. I hereby give my consent to such use of such personal information and understand that IISL has no control over the information posted on social media and that third-parties may have access to such information. I understand that while IISL is organized under the laws of the Netherlands, my personal data may be collected, processed and stored outside of the European Union by IISL and that the locations where this data may be collected, processed and stored may not protect my personal data or may not provide the same level of legal protection for my personal data as is provided by the laws and regulations of the European Union and its member states. I understand and agree that after termination of my membership IISL may retain copies of my personal data solely relating to the term of my membership and records of payment for IISL membership dues, IISL functions, services or goods. I understand that I may revoke all or part of this consent at any time by providing written notice via email to with a copy to