Nationality: Italian

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Nominator: Tanja Masson-Zwaan

Supporters: Setsuko Aoki, Mahulena Hofmann, Irmgard Marboe, Martha Mejía-Kaiser, Lesley Jane Smith

Professional path (including present position)

  • As of January 2023, I am working as an Associate Professor at the School of Law of Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. At Northumbria I act as Deputy Director of the LL.M in Space Law, module leader for LL.M modules on the Law of Outer Space, International Commercial Law, WTO Law modules, and supervisors of PhD studies.
  • From 2017 to 2022 I worked as an Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Institute of Space Law and Strategy at Beihang University, Beijing, China. In that role I thought space law modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level, facilitated international research projects and contributed to the drafting on Chinese national space legislation.
  • From 2013 till 2022 I worked as an Adjunct Professor at the School of Law of the University of Mississippi, United States. In Mississippi, I was module leader of the course on Comparative National Space Law.
  • From 2015 until the end of 2016 I worked at the HaoLiMo Law Firm in Beijing, where I was responsible for international law matters.
  • From 2009 until 2015 I worked as an Associate Professor at the School of Law of the Harbin Institute of Technology, China. In Harbin, I taught space law and EU Law courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • From 2008 to 2009 I worked as a Lecturer and Academic Coordinator at the International Institute of Space Law, Leiden University, the Netherlands. In my role, I contributed to the organization of the LL.M in Air and Space Law and gave lectures to the LL.M students.

Education and degree

  • Doctor of Law (PhD) in Public International Law (International Space Law), Leiden University, The Netherlands
    PhD dissertation title: The exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies: a proposal for a legal regime
    1.10.2006 – 18.12.2008
  • LL.M (Adv.) in International Relations University of Bologna, Italy
    1.10.2004 – 30.8.2005
  • Bachelor Degree (cum laude) in Law University of Cagliari, Italy
    20.9.2000 – 24.4.2004
  • Erasmus exchange Programme
    Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, United Kingdom September 2003 – January 2004

Main publications in English
F. Tronchetti, The right of self-defence in outer space (forthcoming, 2025)
➢ F.G. von der Dunk/F. Tronchetti (eds), Handbook on Space Law, Edward Elgar Publishing (2015).
➢ F. Tronchetti, Fundamentals of Space Law and Policy, Springer Briefs in Space Development, Springer International Publisher, (2013).
➢ F. Tronchetti: “The exploitation of natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies: a proposal for a legal regime”, Martinus Nijhoff/Brill Publishers

Peer-reviewed papers published in journals
F. Tronchetti/H. Liu, ‘The White House Executive Order on the recovery and use of space resources:
pushing the boundaries of international space law’? 57 Space Policy (2021)
F. Tronchetti/H. Liu, ‘The 2019 Notice on Promoting the Systematic and Orderly Development of
Commercial Carrier Rockets: the first step towards regulating private space activities in China’, 57 Space Policy (2021)
F. Tronchetti/H. Liu, ‘Australia’s signing of the Artemis Accords: a positive development or a controversial choice’? 75 Australian Journal of International Affairs (2021)
F. Tronchetti, ‘The privatization of Chinese space activities: a legal and regulatory perspective’, 44(2) Journal of Space Law 565 (2020)
F. Tronchetti/Liu Hao, ‘The exclusive utilization space: a new approach to the management and utilization of the near space5’, 40(3) Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 537-574 (2019)
F. Tronchetti, ‘Regulating near space activities: using the precedent of the EEZ as a model’? 50(2) Ocean Development and International Law 91-116 (2019)
F. Tronchetti/Liu Hao, ‘The American Space Commerce Free Enterprise Act of 2017: the latest step in regulating the space resources utilization industry or something more’? 47 Space Policy 1 (2019).
F. Tronchetti/H. Liu, ‘The Trump administration and outer space: promoting US leadership or heading towards isolation’? 68(5) Australian Journal of International Affairs (2018)
➢ Liu Hao/Tronchetti F., ‘Should the Red Dragon Arise? Assessing China’s options vis-à-vis the enactment of a domestic space resources utilization law’, 39 Space Policy 9 (2017).
➢ Liu Hao/F. Tronchetti, ‘United Nations Resolution 69/32 on the ‘No first placement of weapons in outer space’: a step forward in the prevention of an arms race in outer space’? 36 Space Policy 64 (2016).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘Title IV – Space Resource Exploration and Utilization of the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act: a legal and political assessment’, 41(2) Air and Space Law 143 (2016).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘The Space Resources Exploration and Utilization Act: a move forward or a step back’? 31 Space Policy (2015).
➢ F. Tronchetti/Liu Hao, ‘The 2014 updated Draft PPWT: hitting the spot or missing the mark’? 32 (4) Space Policy 2015.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘The issue of space debris: what lawyers can do about it’? 64(2) German Journal of Air and Space Law 332-352 (2015).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘Private property rights on asteroids resources: assessing the legality of the ASTEROIDS Act,’ 30 Space Policy 190 (2014).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘The right of Self-Defence in Outer Space’, 63(1) German Journal of Air and Space Law 92 (2014).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘The Permanent Court of Arbitration Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities: A Significant Step Forward in the Field of International Space Law’, 29 Space Policy 181 (2013).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘Regulating sub-orbital flights traffic: using air traffic control as a model’, Asian Journal of Air and Space Law, Vol. II, Issue II, 2012.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘Ensuring security in outer space by legal means: a feasible goal? Review of current initiatives and possible ways forward’, Asian Journal of Air and Space Law, Vol. I, Issue 1, 2011.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘Preventing the weaponization of outer space: is a Chinese-Russian-European common approach possible’? 27 Space Policy 81 (2011).
➢ F. Tronchetti/J.Bonin, ‘Constructing a regulatory regime for the exploitation of resources on the surface of the Moon and other celestial bodies: a balancing act’, Indian Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. III (2) 2010, pp. 1-28.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘The Moon Agreement in the 21st century: addressing its potential role in the era of commercial exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies’, Journal of Space Law, Volume 36, Winter 2010, Number 2 (2010), p. 489-524.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ‘National parliaments as guardians of subsidiarity: a feasible task or a utopist chimera’? Journal of US-China Public Administration (2010), pp. 15-27.
➢ F. Tronchetti, ’The exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies: a proposal for a legal regime’, 23(1) Korean Journal of Air and Space Law, 132 (2008).
➢ F. Tronchetti, ’The non-appropriation principle as a structural norm of international law: a new way of interpreting Article II of the Outer Space Treaty’, Air & Space Law, Issue 33, (June 2008), pp. 277-305.

Book Chapters
F. Tronchetti, ‘The Moon Agreement: key provisions’, in Handbook of International Space Law (ed.
Sandeep Bhat), Cambridge University Press (forthcoming 2024)
F. Tronchetti, ‘Customary International Law and Space Law,’ in Elgar Encyclopedia of Space Law (eds
Mahulena Hoffman/P.J. Blount), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd (forthcoming 2024)
F. Tronchetti, Space Law, in Elgar Encyclopaedia of Space Policy and Governance (ed. S. Monsteshar,
C. Beischl, A. Sonnichsen), Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming 2024)
Self-defence in outer space, to be published in Contemporary Challenges in Outer Space Law (ed. A.
Brennan), Routledge (forthcoming 2024)
F. Tronchetti, Use of outer space resources, in A research agenda for space policy in the 2020’s , K.U.
Schrogl/C. Giannopapa/ N. Antoni (eds.), upcoming 2021
➢ F. Tronchetti, Space Law and China, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Planetary Science, Oxford University Press (2018).
➢ F. Tronchetti, Environmental Law Aspects, in Innovation in Outer Space, Mahulena Hoffman (ed.) Verlag (2018).
➢ F. Tronchetti, Chinese space legislation: Current situation and possible way forward, in, Liber Amicorum for Ernst Fasan, L. Tennen/ M. Sterns (eds.), Springer (2017).
➢ F. Tronchetti, Legal and Regulatory Considerations of Cosmic Hazards, in Handbook of Cosmic Hazards, R. Jakhu/J. Pelton (eds.) Springer (2015).
➢ F. Tronchetti (together with A. Kerrest/L.J. Smith), Commentary on the Liability Convention, in Hobe S./Schmitt-Tedd B. (eds.), Vol. II, Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Carl Heymanns Verlag (2013), pp. 194-226.
➢ F. Tronchetti: “Article 19-21”, in Hobe, S./Jakhu, R./Freeland, S. (eds.), Vol. II, Cologne Commentary on Space Law: The Moon Agreement, Carl Heymanns Verlag (2013),336-421.
➢ F. Tronchetti: “A soft law approach to prevent the weaponization of outer space”, in Marboe I. (ed.), Soft law in outer space – The function of non-binding norms in international space law, Böhlau Verlag, (2012), pp. 361-386.
➢ F. Tronchetti: “Soft law”, in Brunner C., Soucek A. (eds), Outer Space – An ever growing issue in society and politics, Springer-Verlag/Wien 2011, pp. 619-637.
➢ F. Tronchetti/C. Karako: “The Draft Protocol on Matters relating to Space Assets: new developments and perspectives of success”, Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges in Air and Space Law, Air and Space Books 2011, pp. 239-250.
➢ F. Tronchetti: "Access and distribution of Earth observation and spatial data in the European context: the impact of the European Directive INSPIRE”, in Space Law in the Era of Commercialization, Eastern Book Company, (2010), pp. 167-187.

Articles published in Conference Proceedings
➢ F. Tronchetti, UNGA Resolution 70/27, ‘No first placement of weapons in space: a positive contribution to prevent an arms race in space?, Proceedings of the 57th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Eleven International Publisher (2016),
➢ F. Tronchetti, Security and potential anti-terrorism aspects of high-resolution satellite data, Proceedings of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Eleven International Publisher (2014)
➢ F. Tronchetti, The applicability of rules of international humanitarian law to military conflicts in outer space: legal certainty or time for a change?, Proceedings of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Eleven International Publisher 2013, p. 214.
➢ F. Tronchetti, “Regulating sub-orbital flights traffic: using air traffic control as a model?”, Proceedings of the 54th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Cape Town, South Africa, Eleven International Publisher 2012, p. 175.
➢ F. Tronchetti: “Ten years of implementation of the Charter on Space and Major Disaster: a history of success?”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Law of Outer Space -The role of law in an Asian space age: institutions and applications, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-7 June, 2011, pp. 100-110
➢ F. Tronchetti: “Preventing the weaponization of outer space: is a Chinese-Russian-European common approach possible?”, Proceedings of the 53th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Prague, Czech Republic (2011), pp. 349-357.
➢ .F. Tronchetti: “The role of COPUOS in the prevention of weaponization of outer space”, Proceedings of the Conference on International Law and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Harbin, China (2010).

Membership and professional affiliation

  • International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Individual Member
  • Asian Society of International Law (ASIL), Individual Member
  • Italian Branch of the International Law Association (ILA), Individual Member

Awards and other accomplishments
➢ 2019 International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Award Young Achiever award for his outstanding contribution to the field of space law and the development of national space legislation.
➢ 2015 International Academic of Astronautics Social Science Book Award for the best book of 2015 in the field of social science for the book “Handbook of Space Law”, co/authored with Prof. Frans von der Dunk
➢ 2007 “Prof. Dr. I.H. PH. Diederiks-Verschoor Award” for the best paper submitted by an author not older
than 40 years to the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) during the 58th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF).

Space law expertise
I have been teaching space law courses for nearly twenty years at various universities in Europe, China and the United States both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I am regular invited to give guest lectures on various space law issues at universities across the globe (i.e. Leiden University, Luxembourg University, Rome University, Gujarat University, etc.) as well as to present his views at international events. I have published 3 books (with a 4th about to be published) and over 60 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and conference proceedings addressing various aspects of space activities, such as the use of space resources, to the governance of the Chinese space program, the military uses of outer space and the protection of the space environment.
I have contributed to the drafting of national space legislation in Luxembourg and China and has advised governments (including those of Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, United States and the United Kingdom) and companies on various space-related matters.
My views have been included in newspapers, magazines and I have appeared in radio and talk show.

IISL Position applied for

Specify your relationship with the IISL
I have been a member of IISL since 2007 and has contributed to the activities of the Institute in different ways. First, he is currently serving as member of the IISL Board of Directors (term 2021-24) as well as a member of the IISL Membership Committee; secondly, he has participated as a speaker to numerous IISL Symposia as well as a Chair of the IISL sessions; thirdly, he has spoken on behalf of the IISL President at several international events; fourthly, as of February 2024 he has been appointed as IISL Spokesperson with IAA for matters concerning the protection of the lunar farside; fifth, he has served as a judge for the Asian Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Most recently, Dr. Tronchetti has launched the initiative for a study group on the Moon Agreement which has been positively received by the IISL Board.

Specify the reason for applying for the postition and how you can serve IISL
After nearly 20 years of IISL membership, I believe that serving as a Board Member would give me the best opportunity to have a larger and more impactful contribution to the Institute’s activities. This belief has matured in the last 3 years in which, as a Board Member, I realized the importance of Board Members in guiding the Institute, promoting the fulfilment of its goals and expanding its global reach. I would cherish another chance to put my knowledge and skills to the service of the Institute.

As a Director, I would offer IISL my multi-year experience of working and interacting with people in different parts of the world, particularly North America, Europe, and Asia. My experience would provide a useful tool to expand the global reach of IISL, promote international initiatives and expanding IISL membership. Indeed, in the past three years, I have actively promoted across the young scholar’s community in Europe and Asia the benefits and importance of IISL Membership. The ever-increasing number of young scholars’ applications for Prospective and Individual IISL Membership from these two regions shows the importance of directly reaching out to the student community and the impact that Board members may have in this process. My personal experience of living and working in China for more than a decade, certainly places me in a better position to extend awareness about IISL across the South- East Asian region. Additionally, if re-elected, I would be enthusiastically dedicated to initiate and implement initiatives aimed at enhancing the global visibility of IISL as well as contributing to its overall goals.

Name, Surname of Nominator
Tanja Masson-Zwaan

Nominator's reasons for nominating the nominee
Dr. Fabio Tronchetti has been a member of IISL for nearly 20 years. I have known him throughout that time and can attest that he is an active member of the IISL community. He is a member of the IISL Membership Committee and participated as a speaker and chair at several IISL Symposia. He has represented the IISL President at several international events and was recently appointed as IISL Spokesperson with the IAA for matters concerning the protection of the lunar far side. He is committed to inspiring and mentoring the next generation, for instance by serving as a judge in the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Most recently, Dr. Tronchetti launched an initiative for an IISL study group on the Moon Agreement, which comes at a time when the international community needs objective legal analysis to realise an equitable regime for lunar exploration and the commercial use of its resources.

Dr. Tronchetti has taught space law for nearly twenty years at various universities in Europe, China and the United States. He is regularly invited to give guest lectures on space law topics at universities across the globe and to present his views at international events. He contributed to the drafting of national space legislation in Luxembourg and China, and has advised several governments and companies on space- related matters.
He published several books and over 60 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and conference proceedings on topics ranging from space resource utilisation to the governance of the Chinese space program. Having lived and worked in China for nearly 10 years, he is uniquely placed to increase awareness about IISL across Southeast Asia, especially its fast-growing student and young scholar community.
For the above reasons, I am pleased to nominate Dr. Fabio Tronchetti for another term on the Board of Directors.


Setsuko Aoki

Mahulena Hofmann

Irmgard Marboe

Martha Mejía-Kaiser

Lesley Jane Smith