Update 16 May 2024: NOMINATIONS CLOSED
The nominations period for the 2024 IISL Elections has come to an end, and we would like to sincerely thank all members who participated - through being nominated, or through supporting nominations - this year.

The Election Committee will publish the names of nominees for the vacant positions soon. The voting period will take place between 15 June and 15 July 2024.

Nomination period open

The 2024 IISL Board Elections season has opened and nominations are currently being received.

The IISL Election Committee, currently comprising Leslie I. Tennen and George D. Kyriakopoulos, invites all IISL members to take part in the 2024 IISL Board Elections.

Update 14 May 2024:
Regarding the deadline for nominations on 15 May 2024 we would like to clarify that all necessary documentation needs to be received by the deadline (seven forms per candidate), as only complete nominations can be considered. The expiry of this year's deadline for nominations takes account of the respective timezone that the nominee is in; meaning 15 May 2024 at 23:59 h International Date Line West (IDLW) (UTC−12:00) marks the end of this year's deadline.

Update 10 May 2024:
Due to the requests by members that have reached us, we would like to clarify that there is no cap on the number of candidates that can be nominated or supported by members - apart from the natural limit that members cannot endorse more candidates than there are open positions.

Update 5 May 2024:
Due to technical issues, the emailed Election Notice and Call for Candidates may not have been received by all the members of the IISL, and the open position for Vice President was not listed. Please see the complete Notice below. We have also updated the procedure for supporters of a candidate to relay their support online (see below).

Positions available

All IISL Members in good standing are entitled to put themselves forward for the following elected positions on the Board:

  • Vice President (1 position)
  • Directors (9 positions)

One of the Institute's Vice President position is currently vacant.

The names of the IISL Directors whose term of office expires are: Marco Ferrazzani, Fabio Tronchetti, Ranjana Kaul, Masahiko Sato, Jenni Tapio, Joanne Gabrynowicz, Olavo de Oliveira Bittencourt Neto, and Guoyu Wang. Furthermore, there is an open position vacated by Lesley Jane Smith on becoming Vice President.

Procedure and nomination period

A candidate is to be nominated by an IISL Member in good standing and supported by five IISL Members in good standing, and must confirm agreement with being nominated. For further details please refer to the full terms of the IISL Statutes and By-Laws, available at https://iisl.space/index.php/statutes-and-bylaws/.

For a candidate to submit an application, three kinds of online forms have to be filled in and submitted for the candidacy to be considered by the IISL Elections Committee (total - 7 online forms per candidacy):

  • The candidate for the IISL Board position is to submit an online Nominee Form ("IISL 2024 Elections Form - Nominee")
  • The nominator for the candidate (nominee) is to submit an online Nomination Form ("IISL 2024 Elections Form - Nominator")
  • The five supporters of the nomination are to EACH submit an online Nomination Form ("IISL 2024 Elections Form - Confirmation/support of nomination") (total: 5 supporters' forms per candidate)

We kindly remind you that only complete nominations including all seven submitted forms per nomination can be considered.

Nominations received after May 15, 2024 (23:59 h CEST, Paris time) cannot be considered.

Links to online nomination forms

For the Nominee: here

For the Nominator: here

For the Supporters of the nomination: here

Please note that there is no save and edit later function, therefore you have to allocate enough time for filling it out. We would recommend you to have the text ready in word and copy paste it to the online form.

Prior to filling in the forms, you should make sure to get confirmations from the nominator and five supporters.

In accordance with the IISL Statutes and By-Laws, the Election Committee is authorized to draw up the list of qualifying candidates, supervise the election process, and count the votes. Voting shall take place between June 15 and July 15, 2024. Please note that there is only one vote per institutional member, and the IISL Election Committee must be notified as soon as possible (and definitely prior to voting) as to who is the designated Point of Contact (POC). Notification can be done by email to elections@iisl.space

Members can nominate and/or support more than one candidate. 

Please also note that while not formally prohibited to nominate / support, the Committee suggests that for ethical reasons, members who stand for election should abstain from nominating / supporting other candidates.

Voting period and voting procedure

In accordance with the IISL Statutes and By-Laws the Election Committee is authorized to draw up the list of qualifying candidates, supervise the election process, and count the votes. Voting shall take place between June 15 and July 15, 2024. Please note that there is only one vote per institutional member, and the IISL Election Committee must be notified as soon as possible (and definitely prior to voting) as to who is the designated Point of Contact (POC). Notification can be done by email to elections@iisl.space.

Please also note that while not formally prohibited to nominate / support, the Committee suggests that for ethical reasons, members who stand for election should abstain from nominating / supporting other candidates. Members can nominate more than one candidate.