
Email the IISL Latin America Representative:

Regional Organiser: Dr. Jairo Becerra - email

Assistant Regional Organiser: Laura Gamarra LL.M. - email

About the Latin American Regional Round

The Board of Directors of the IISL has approved Latin America as its 5th Region by unanimous vote. Latin America joins the North American, European, Asia Pacific and African Regions represented in the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. Regional winners receive financial support to attend the World Finals.

The IISL’s Lachs competition is particularly distinguished by the tradition of judges of the International Court of Justice presiding over and judging the World Finals.

The World Finals take place within the framework of the IISL’s annual Colloquium, which is a part of the International Astronautical Congress held on a different continent each year. The Manfred Lachs competition offers an unparalleled learning experience to all teams at all levels in a fair and cordial environment.

Latin America demonstrated through test rounds the last two years that there is sufficient interest in Latin American law schools to sustain a viable Regional competition. The IISL congratulates the Latin American Regional Organizer, Professor Jairo Becerra, and Assistant Regional Organizer, Professor Laura Gamarra, from the Universidad Católica de Colombia, and all those who worked to achieve this objective.

Funding for travel of the winning Latin American team to the World Finals is provided by the Space Network for Latin America and the Caribbean – ReLaCa ESPACIO.

Information on this year's MLSLMCC Case

For general information on this year's Moot Court Case, please visit:

Registration and payment (closed)

Registrations for 2024 are closed.


More information is available on the website of the Universidad Católica de Colombia here: (external link).

Official Rules

The Latin American Regional Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition is governed by the Offical Rules of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition. The Official Rules were last updated in 2022 and are available below.

More information can be found here:
