Register for IISL Happy Hour - Special edition

We are happy to announce a special edition of the IISL Happy Hour- “A Hommage to Prof. Bin Cheng (1921- 2019) by the IISL” - on 28 May 2022. Prof. Bin Cheng is a formidable figure in international law and in particular, in the fields of air and space law. Prof. Cheng made significant contributions to the theory of international law […]

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IISL Happy Hour #11 held

The 11th IISL Happy Hour was held on 12 March. This time Professor Dr. Sandeepa Bhat B made a presentation on the recent space law conference held at his Center for Aviation and Space Laws (SASL), National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, India, of whish he is the Director.    His presentation is entitled “A […]

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IISL Officers issue statement on Ukraine war

The IISL Officers have issued a statement regarding the ongoing Russo-Ukranian war. The statement can be found and downloaded below.

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Register for IISL Happy Hour #11

We are happy to announce the 11th IISL Happy Hour to be held on 12 March. IISL Happy Hour consists of two parts. The first 30 minutes is for presentation and discussions and the latter half is reserved for updating and casual exchanged of views among IISL space law family members: Time 11:30-12:30 UTC, 12 […]

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IISL Happy Hour #10 held

On 15 January 2022, 10th “IISL Happy Hour” was held, which started as a new communication format to interact and share good experiences among the IISL members in February 2021. This time, 24 IISL members participated. For the 10th IISL Happy Hour, Prof. Guoyu Wang, Associate Prof. and Dean of Academy of Air, Space Policy […]

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Register for IISL Happy Hour #10

Happy New Year to IISL members! We are happy to announce the 10th happy to be held on 15 January 2022 (Saturday). Speaker Prof. Dr. Guoyu Wang, Associate Prof. and Dean of Academy of Air, Space Policy and Law, Beijing Institute of Technology. Title Due Principles for the Avoidance of On-orbit Collision Time 13:00-14:00 UTC

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Thirteenth Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture 2021

The thirteenth Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture was held in 2021 by Ranjana Kaul. The title is: Advancing Space Activities in the 21st Century – Relationship of the Outer Space Treaty and International Customary Law. The text of the keynote lecture can be accessed below.

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IISL Happy Hour #9 held

Special edition: Briefing on the coming IAC-21 On 16 October, the ninth “IISL Happy Hour” was held, which started as a new communication format to interact and share good experiences among the IISL members in February 2021. The series of the IISL Happy Hour is coordinated and hosted by Vice President Setsuko Aoki. This is a monthly 60 […]

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Register for IISL Happy Hour #9

The next and 9th IISL Happy Hour will be held on 16 October 2021, 15:00-16:00 UTC. We are discussing, consulting, and confirming the coming IAC-21 to be held 25-29 October in Dubai, UAE. IISL members who are going to Dubai are especially recommended to attend this IISL Happy Hour to get a brief from our […]

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IISL Happy Hour #8 held

On 18 September, the eighth “IISL Happy Hour” was held, which started as a new communication format to interact and share good experiences among the IISL members in February 2021. This time, about 15 IISL members participated. The series of the IISL Happy Hour is going to be coordinated and hosted by Vice President Setsuko […]

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