Nationality: Brazilian/Portuguese

Country of Residence: Brazil

Nominator: Tanja Masson-Zwaan

Supporters: Márcia Alvarenga dos Santos, Jairo Becerra, Steven Freeland, Michelle L.D. Hanlon, Lesley Jane Smith

Professional path (including present position)
Present position: Professor Doctor – Catholic University of Santos (since 2013)

Professional path:
Lawyer and Legal Consultant – Private Practice (since 2008)
Arbitrator – Space Related Disputes at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) (2017-2023) Post-Doctoral Researcher – University of São Paulo (2012-2016)
Guest Researcher - Leiden University, under the Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities (2011)
Lawyer – Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Ópice Advogados (2008)
Legal Assistant – State of São Paulo Court of Justice (2006-2008)
Professor – Curso Clio (2008-2013)
Lawyer – Theodoro Carvalho de Freitas Advogados Associados (2005-2006)
Lawyer – Machado Associados (2004-2005)
Lawyer – Sherwin Williams do Brazil (2003-2004)

Honorary positions:
Delegate - United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) (since 2009)
Board member - International Institute of Space Law (IISL), periods 2013/2016 and 2021/2024 Co-Vice-Chair - The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group
National point of contact – RELACA Espacio (Latin American Network of Universities Related to Space Activities in the Technical, Political and Legal Fields) (since 2019)
Member of the group of experts - "The Cologne Manual on the International Law of Space Traffic Management", led by Cologne University
Member of the group of experts - MILAMOS Project, acronym for “Manual of International Law Applicable to the Military Uses of Outer Space”, led by McGill University
Member of the Advisory Council - Moon Village Association (MVA), since 2023
Regional coordinator for South America and Elections Committee member - Moon Village Association (MVA), (2016/2019)
Lecturer and Organizing Committee member - Space Law Symposiums organized by the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) before the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) Member of the Editorial Board - Journal of Air and Space Law, Kluwer (since 2021)
Member of International Boards of Review - Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court and Sarin Air Law Moot Court
Guest Lecturer – at Brazilian and foreign universities and institutions, including Leiden University (NLD), University of Mississippi (USA), University of Luxembourg (LUX), University of São Paulo (BRA), Aeronautics Institute of Technology (BRA), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (BRA), Air Force University of Brazil (BRA), Catholic University of Lisbon (PRT), Nova University of Lisbon (PRT), Ibero-American Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law and Commercial Aviation (ESP)

Education and degree
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of São Paulo’s Law School. Thesis: “Sustainability of Outer Space Activities” (2016).
Doctor of International Law at the University of São Paulo. Thesis: “Revisiting the Delimitation of Outer Space” (2011).
Master of International Law at the University of São Paulo. Thesis: “International Responsibility and Liability in Space Law” (2008).
Graduated at the University of Sao Paulo’s Law School (2001).

Main publications in English
I. Books:
“Defining the Limits of Outer Space for Regulatory Purposes”, Springer, 2015.
“Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework for the Governance of Space Resource Activities: a Commentary”, with Mahulena Hoffman, Tanja Masson-Zwaan and Dimitra Stefoudi, Eleven International Publishing, 2020.

II. Chapters:
Towards a South American Space Agency, in “Global Perspectives on Regional Cooperation in Space: Policies, Governance & Legal Tools”, Ciro Arévalo-Yepes and Sylvia Ospina, IAA, 2016.
Space Security in Brazil, with Daniel Freire e Almeida, in “Handbook of Space Security”, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Springer, 2020.
Outer space as a global commons and the role of space law, in “A Research Agenda for Space Policy”, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Christina Giannopapa and Ntorina Antoni, Edward Elgar, 2021.
International Bodies and Procedures for Decision-Making Regarding Planetary Defence Actions, in “Legal Aspects of Planetary Defence”, Irmgard Marboe, Brill, 2021.
Brazilian Space Law, with Daniel Freire e Almeida, in “Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science”, Oxford University Press, 2021.
White paper – Outer Space, as member of the International Law Association Steering Committee coordinated by Philippe Achilleas, Stephan Hobe and Hugo Lopez, ILA, 2022.
Space Security in Latin America, with Jairo Becerra, in “Oxford Handbook of Space Security”, Saadia Pekkanen and P.J. Blount, in printing.

III. Papers and Articles:
“Private Launching Activities on Brazilian Territory: Current Legal Framework”, Zeitschrift Für Luft-Und Weltraumrecht, 2009.
“Report: IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium, 2011, 'A new look on the delimitation and definition of outer space'”, Proceedings of the 54th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2012.
“The Elusive Frontier: Revisiting the Delimitation of Outer Space”, Proceedings of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2013.
“Report of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space”, Proceedings of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2013.
“Regulatory Options for Dealing with the Transfer of Ownership”, Proceedings of the 55th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2013.
“Symposium on Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Cooperation between Europe and the BRICS Countries: Leiden May 2013”, Space Policy, 2014.
“Preserving the Outer Space Environment: The “Precautionary Principle” Approach to Space Debris”, Proceedings of the 56th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2014.
“Chasing Ghost Spaceships: Law of Salvage as Applied to Space Debris”, Proceedings of the 57th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2015.
“The Dawn of an International Regime for Space Resources – Multilateral Perspectives”, Proceedings of the 59th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2017.
“Revisiting the delimitation of outer space in light of the long-term sustainability of space activities”, Journal of Air & Space Law, 2023.

IV. Relevant works in other languages
“Direito Espacial Contemporâneo: Responsabilidade Internacional”, Juruá, 2011.
“Direito Internacional Diplomático”, 4th ed., with Paulo Borba Casella and G. E. do Nascimento e Silva, Saraiva, 2012.
“O Direito Internacional em Tópicos Essenciais”, with Daniel Freire e Almeida and Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes, Lawinter, 2020.
“As Organizações Internacionais e os Tribunais no Contexto do Direito Internacional”, with Daniel Freire e Almeida and Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes, Lawinter, 2020.
“O Direito Internacional em Estudos Fundamentais”, with Daniel Freire e Almeida and Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes, Lawinter, 2020.
“Governança Global de Recursos Espaciais”, with Daniel Freire e Almeida, Ian Grosner and Gabriela Soldano Garcez, Lawinter, 2022.
“O Direito Internacional Frente aos Novos Conflitos Globais”, with Daniel Freire e Almeida and Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes, Lawinter, 2023.
Desafios do Direito Espacial, in “Direito Internacional, Humanismo e Globalidade - Guido Fernando Silva Soares Amicorum Discipulorum Liber”, Paulo B.Casella, Umberto Celli Jr., Elizabeth Meirelles and Fabrício Polido, Atlas, 2008.
Comitê das Nações Unidas para Uso Pacífico do Espaço (COPUOS): Legado e Perspectivas, in “Direito Internacional Atual”, Liliana Jubilut, Elsevier, 2014.
Atividades Espaciais na ONU, in “A ONU aos 70: contribuições, desafios e perspectivas”, Liliana Lyra Jubilut, João Carlos Jarochinski Silva and Larissa Ramina, UFRR, 2016.
Lixo Espacial: Aspectos Jurídicos, in “Direito Ambiental - Bens e Recursos Ambientais”, Silvio Crestana, Elisabete Gabriela Castellano and Alexandre Rossi, Embrapa, 2016.
“A evolução histórica do Direito Espacial à luz das Relações Internacionais”, with Jonathan Percivalle de Andrade, Anais Eletrônicos do 5o Encontro Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais, 2015.
“BRICS e o Meio Ambiente | BRICS and the Environment”, with Luiz Ricardo Miranda, Revista Justiça do Direito, 2018.
“Uma Discussão sobre a Extensão das Probabilidades de Condições de Falência de uma Aeronave, cf. ASAE/ARP 4761, para Possíveis Danos Causados por Pequenos Satélites de Baixa Complexidade: Contribuições ao Direito Espacial”, with Márcia Alvarenga dos Santos and Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e Souza, 2o Congresso Aeroespacial Brasileiro, 2019.
“A Convenção de Responsabilidade Internacional por Danos Causados por Objetos Espaciais de 1972 e a Prova da Culpa”, with Francisco Campos da Costa, Leopoldianum, 2020.

Membership and professional affiliation
International Institute of Space Law (IISL) (since 2012)
Ibero-American Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law and Commercial Aviation (since 2021) Moon Village Association (MVA) (since 2017)
Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law (SBDA) (since 2003)
Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) (since 2002)

Awards and other accomplishments
IISL Diederiks-Verschoor Award for the paper “The Elusive Frontier: Revisiting the Delimitation of Outer Space” (2012)
Grantee of the International Astronautical Federation Emerging Space Leaders Grant Programme (2012)

Space law expertise
As a Space Law and International Law professor, researcher, and lecturer, I have had the opportunity of developing courses, thesis, lectures, and other academic actions not only at the Catholic University of Santos, where I am currently employed as Professor Doctor, but also over different universities and institutions around the globe. Furthermore, I have authored, co-authored, and edited several publications in the fields of Space Law and Policy, as well as International Law, including books, chapters, and peer reviewed articles. As a space lawyer and consultant, I have offered my expertise and legal counselling to governmental authorities, international organizations, and entities of the private sector. Since 2009, I have served as member of delegations at the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), including from the IISL. I have been a member of organizing committees and international non- governmental organizations involved with Space Law activities and research, contributing to the organization, and planning, of courses, events, working groups and related activities. In Latin America, I have championed capacity building initiatives and academic partnerships, to promote Space Law throughout the region. Accordingly, joint courses, workshops, symposia, and related events have been promoted, as well as assistance to Latin American researchers and young professionals to consider space-related opportunities. Through regional cooperation mechanisms and programmes, effective results have already been obtained, and more is expected for the following years.

IISL Position applied for

Specify your relationship with the IISL
My membership at IISL dates to 2012, when I was admitted. I have served as an elected IISL Board member from 2013 to 2016, and again since 2021. Additionally, I have served at the IISL Directorate of Studies since 2013, and of the Awards Commission since 2019. At the organizing committee responsible for the IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium, I have collaborated with events, and composed IISL delegations, at the UNCOPUOS (United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) Legal Subcommittee since 2019. To the best of my capabilities, I have attended and/or submitted papers to subsequent Colloquia on the Law of Outer Space at IACs, being granted the IISL Diederiks-Verschoor Award in 2012. Finally, I have participated in multiple international boards of review at IISL Space Law Moot Court competitions in its Asia Pacific and Latin American rounds.

Specify the reason for applying for the postition and how you can serve IISL
I am determined to permanently support and further develop IISL projects and actions, including those conducted by the IISL Directorate of Studies and other committees. I submit to assist my colleagues at the Board as well as fellow IISL members, in various activities, strategies, and fora, always standing up for the principles of camaraderie and teamwork. By participating on and contributing to IISL committees and working groups, I promise to promote the development of relevant IISL programmes. At the IISL Board, I envision to maintain my best efforts to increase IISL participation and membership throughout Latin America, including through technical support for the IISL Manfred Lachs Moot Court regional round. Fostering Space Law education in Latin America is my primary objective, via open dialogue, academic collaboration, and capacity building mechanisms. I pledge to champion international cooperation throughout Latin America, involving academia, private sector, governmental authorities, and the civil society, to leverage potential for growth of Space Law research and activities in the region. IISL workshops and events reflecting and contemplating the Latin American perspectives vis-à-vis Space Law are proposed, to be organized through partnerships with local authorities, universities, research centres, and space agencies. Finally, I offer my best efforts and everlasting commitment to the advancement of IISL missions, promoting the rule of law in outer space.

Name, Surname of Nominator
Tanja Masson-Zwaan

Nominator's reasons for nominating the nominee
Olavo de Oliveira Bittencourt Neto has been a member of IISL for more than 10 years and a Board member for two 3-year terms. He is a member of the IISL Awards Committee and has been part of the Directorate of Studies for over 10 years. He leads the committee that organises the annual IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium, one of the major activities of the Institute in support of COPUOS' task in the progressive development of international space law.

His activities as an academic in the space sector in Brazil, one of the main space powers in the Latin American region, are noteworthy. His publications, including in the IISL proceedings, are a testament to his active academic life. His strong support for the IISL Manfred Lachs Moot Court regional round for Latin America demonstrates his drive to support and mentor young talent. I speak from experience (he teaches each year at Leiden University since more than ten years) when I say that his engaging teaching method motivates and stimulates students from all over the world.

As a member of RELACA Espacio (Latin American Network of Universities Related to Space Activities in the Technical, Political and Legal Fields) and of the Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law, he is in an ideal position to promote the necessary deeper engagement of the IISL in Brazil and Latin America.

In addition to these qualifications, Olavo de Oliveira Bittencourt Neto is currently the only voting member on the IISL Board from Brazil and residing in the Latin American region, and I consider it of the utmost importance to support his candidacy. I am convinced that a new term on the Board will be of great value to the Institute and the Brazilian and Latin American space sector, and I am pleased to nominate him for re-election to another term as Director.


Márcia Alvarenga dos Santos

Jairo Becerra

Steven Freeland

Michelle L.D. Hanlon

Lesley Jane Smith