Nationality: Hong Kong, China
Country of Residence: Hong Kong, China
Nominator: Lesley Jane Smith
Supporters: Setsuko Aoki, Ingo Baumann, Irina Chernykh, Steven Freeland, Scarlet O’Donnell, Yuri Takaya-Umehara
Professional path (including present position)
Present Position: Henry Cheng Professor in International Law and Associate Dean (Mainland Affairs), Faculty Law, The University of Hong Kong
Representative, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Hague Conference on Private International Law (2020-now)
Head, Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong (2016-2023)
Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (2013-now)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (2008-2013)
Lecturer, Assistant Professor, and then Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (2002-2008)
Researcher (AIO), School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2000-2002)
Education and degree
PhD in International Law, School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2000-2003)
LLM in Public International Law, Leiden University, the Netherlands (1998-1999)
LLM in Private International Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China (1995-1998)
LLB in International Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China (1991-1995)
Main publications in English
National Space Law in China: An Overview of the Current Situation and Outlook for the Future, 316 pages (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2015)
Selected Journal Articles in the field of space law:
- Environmental Protection, Sustainability and the Prevention of Satellite Collisions in Outer Space, 35 Fordham Environmental Law review (forthcoming, 2024)
- (T. Masson-Zwaan and Y. Zhao) Towards an International Regime for Space Traffic Management, 48 Air and Space Law 75-92 (2023)
- (Z. Chen and Y. Zhao) Intellectual Property Protection in Outer Space: Conflict in Theory and Application in Practice, 61 Space Policy 1-8 (2022)
- (Y. Zhao and X. Li) An Exclusive Property Model for the Common Heritage of Mankind: A Multilateral Regime for Natural Resources in Outer Space, 47(1) Brooklyn Journal of International Law 89-149 (2021)
- (S. Jiang and Y. Zhao) China’s National Space Station: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions for International Cooperation, 57 Space Policy 1-11 (2021)
- (S. Freeland and Y. Zhao) Rules of the “Space Road”: How Soft Law Principles Interact with Customary International Law for the Regulation of Space Activities, 44 Journal of Space Law 405-432 (2020)
- (Y. Zhao and S. Jiang) Armed Conflict in Outer Space: Legal Concept, Practice and Future Regulatory Regime, 48 Space Policy 50-59 (2019)
- (S. Jiang and Y. Zhao) The Aftermath of the US Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act: What’s Left for China?, 11 Journal of East Asia and International Law 9-34 (2018)
- Intellectual Property Protection in Outer Space: Reconciling Territoriality of Intellectual Property with Non-Territoriality in Outer Space, 7 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 137-155 (2017)
- The Role of Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements in International Space Cooperation, 30 Space Policy 1-7 (2016)
- Resolving Telecommunications Interconnection Disputes: The Way Forward for China?, Annals of Air and Space Law, Vol. XL, 657-677 (2015)
- Legal Regime for the Regulation of Commercial Space Activities in China, 49 Kobe University Law Review (International Edition) 221-231 (2015)
- Legal Issues of China’s Possible Participation in the International Space Station: Comparing to the Russian Experience, 6 Journal of East Asia and International Law, No. 1, 155-174 (2013)
- Asian Leadership in Outer Space in the 21st Century: From Science and Technology to Space Law, 15 Harvard Asia Quarterly 26-32 (2013)
- Revisiting Selected Issues in the Draft Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on Matters Specific to Space Assets, 76 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 805-831 (2011)
- The Way Forward for Promoting Awareness of Space Law in Asia: A Proposal for Institutional Capacity Building, 4 Journal of East Asia and International Law 335-349 (2011)
- (Yun Zhao & Yongmin Bian) Export Control Regime for Space Items in China: Opportunities and Challenges in the New Era, 27 Space Policy 107-112 (2011) (80%) (corresponding first author)
- Regulation of Remote Sensing Activities in Hong Kong: Privacy, Access, Security, Copyright, and the Case of Google, 36 Journal of Space Law 547-566 (2010)
- Current Legal Status and Recent Developments in Hong Kong Law and Its Relevance to Pacific Rim Space Law and Activities, 35 Journal of Space Law 599-614 (2009)
- A Legal Regime for Space Tourism: Creating Legal Certainty in Outer Space, 74 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 959-982 (2009)
- Disaster Management and the Tampere Convention, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol. 1, 141-151 (2008)
- National Space Legislation in Mainland China, Journal of Space Law, Vol. 33, 427-436 (2007)
- National Space Legislation, with Reference to China’s Practice, Annals of Air and Space Law, Vol. 32, 131-146 (2007)
- Discussion on Extending/Modifying the 1992 Nuclear Power Source Principles to Broader Space Operations, International Journal of Nuclear Law, Vol. 1, No. 4, 315-327 (2007)
- Patent Protection in Outer Space, with Particular Reference to the Patent Regime in Hong Kong, 14 Asia Pacific Law Review, No. 2, 161-176 (2006) (Prof.Dr. I.H.Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor Award, by International Institute of Space Law, Paris, France)
- Liberalization of Space Launch Services within a Plurilateral Regime: With Reference to China’s Commercial Launch Services, 7 The Journal of World Investment & Trade, No. 3, 433-441 (2006)
- The 2002 Space Cooperation Protocol between China and Brazil: An Excellent Example of South- South Cooperation, 21 Space Policy, No. 3, 213-219 (August 2005)
- State Practice-Australia: Liberalization of Telecommunications Services, 44 Indian Journal of International Law, No. 4, 798-812 (2004)
- An International Space Authority: A Governance Model for a Space Commercialization Regime, 30 Journal of Space Law, No. 2, 277-296 (2004)
- Some Trends in the Development of Space Law in Hong Kong, 6 Australian Journal of Asian Law, No. 3, 306-314 (2004)
- Revisiting the 1975 Registration Convention: Time for Revision?, 11 Australian Journal of International Law 106-127 (2004)
- Satellite Application and Development of Space Law in Hong Kong, 1 Soochow Law Journal, No. 1, 183-203 (2004) (invited publication, inaugural issue)
- Further Liberalization of Telecommunications Services under the Framework of the WTO in the 21st Century, 37 Law/Technology, World Jurist Association, No. 3, 1-21 (2004)
- The 1972 Liability Convention: Time for Revision?, 20 Space Policy 117-122 (May 2004) (Honourable mention in the Maxim Tarasenko Essay Competition, UK)
- Further Liberalization of Telecommunications Services in the Framework of the WTO in the 21st Century, 8 International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 1-30 (Winter 2003/2004)
- China’s Regime Governing Telecommunications Services and the WTO, 6 Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law, No. 2, 169-187 (2003)
- ITU and National Regulatory Authorities in the Era of Liberalization, 18 Space Policy, 293-300 (2002)
- The Commercial Use of Telecommunications under the Framework of GATS, 24 Air & Space Law, No. 6, 304-328 (1999) (The Isa Diederiks-Verschoor Prize, The Netherlands)
Membership and professional affiliation
- Member, International Legal and Dispute Resolution Services Expert Group, Department of Justice, HK (2022-2024)
- Member, Inclusive Global Legal Innovation Platform on Online Dispute Resolution, Department of Justice, HK (2021-2024)
- Council Member, Zhuhai International Court of Arbitration (2021-now)
- Council Member, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (2021-now)
- Council Member, Chinese Law Society (2019-now)
- Standing Council Member, Chinese Society of International Law (2018-now)
- Standing Council Member, Chinese Society of Private International Law (2023-now)
- Standing Council Member, Chinese Institute of Space Law (2010-now)
- Member, International Institute of Space Law (2003-now)
Awards and other accomplishments
- Excellent Paper Award by Chinese Institute of Space Law (2014 and 2018)
- Ten Outstanding National Space Lawyers, Chinese Institute of Space Law (2017)
- HKU Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2011-2012
- Representative of Hong Kong, invited by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs to the United Nations Workshop on Space Law (2003 in Korea and 2010 in Thailand)
- Youth Essay Award, by Chinese Society of International Economic Law (2007)
- Listed in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2007)
- Prof.Dr. I.H.Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor Award, by International Institute of Space Law, Paris, France (2006) (one award every year for young space lawyers)
- Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2006)
- Honourable mention in the Maxim Tarasenko Essay Competition, UK (2003)
- The first winner of SATA Prize, by Foundation of Development of International Law in Asia (DILA) (2000) (one award every year for young international lawyers from Asia)
- The first winner of The Isa Diederiks-Verschoor Prize, The Netherlands (1999) (one award every year for young air and space lawyers)
- NUFFIC University Fellowship, the Netherlands (the Dutch Governmental Fellowship) (1997)
- Excellent Paper Prize of China University of Political Science and Law (1997)
Space law expertise
- I drafted Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition problems twice and served as Judge for Chinese Round, Asia-Pacific Round and World Semi-Final Competition
- I have been teaching space law at various universities since 2003 and was invited to teach space commercialization and space for the Xiamen Academy of International Law in July 2023
- I have been invited to speak at UNOOSA Workshop three times and the online Workshop on Outer Space Treaty in 2023
- I published many space law articles in world esteemed journals and several monographs on space law.
IISL Position applied for
Specify your relationship with the IISL
IISL member since 2003; I attended the IISL Colloquium many times. I draft Manfred Laches Moot Competition problems twice and served as judge for different rounds of competitions. I won the IISL Prof.Dr. I.H.Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor Award in 2006. I served as supporter for previous director applications.
Specify the reason for applying for the postition and how you can serve IISL
- As member from the Asia-Pacific region, I would like to promote space law education and cooperation in the region; and explore possibilities of regional space law collaborative research projects and conferences/workshops;
- I will provide necessary support/advice/assistance to various space initiatives in the region (in particular the delegations preparing for the UNCOPUOS sessions/APSCO meetings);
- I will explore possibilities of strengthening the space law community with space industry in the region, creating opportunities of dialogues among different stakeholders in the space industry;
- I will encourage more space lawyers and institutions to be IISL individual/institutional members;
- I would further promote the Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition in the region.
Name, Surname of Nominator
Lesley Jane Smith
Nominator’s reasons for nominating the nominee
Yun Zhao is a scholar of the highest esteem and recognition in the field of international law and the international law of outer space in mainland China and at transatlantic level. He has been a member of IISL since 2003, and a recipient of the Diederiks-Verschoor Award on two occasions. He has also authored the problems for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition twice, once in 2016 and again in 2022.
As Head of the Department of Law and then Associate Dean of the Faculty of law, The University of Hong Kong, and personal chair holder of the Henry Cheng Professor in International law, he oversees the education and management for one of China’s largest and most prestigious law faculties, whilst commanding the field of international law and international space law with unchallenged reputation in his country. This includes his presence and activities across the entire continent of China.
His career is marked with his interest in pursuing all aspects of international law and space, latterly including the more commercial angle. Yun Zhao brings with him the concern to pursue and analyse the development of space law over time, as can be seen in the research grants he received for further work into the subjects of a national space law for China, as well as space mining, and more.
He is editorial board member of the leading space law journals, including Air & Space Law (Kluwer), along with further mainland journals. Since the millennium, he has placed a clear focus on the field of arbitration, mediation and dispute settlement, a function and specialization that is highly relevant for all forms of dispute settlement and particularly for our community in the field of disputes relating to outer space. This makes him a key figure for the Institute, as the need for expert arbitrators may grow in the field of space activities: he is a formal member of various prestigious national Councils that focus on dispute settlement and arbitration.
In his work, Yun commands various key positions for his country and region, latterly, as the representative of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of the Hague Conference on Private International law. His ability to span various fields of international law, the public and private fields are highly relevant given the increasing presence of commercial non-government actors in space activities. It is not inconceivable that disputes – and the need for dispute settlement – will arise over time.
With postgraduate degrees from Europe as well as mainland China, his ability to bridge different legal cultures and systems of access to justice and due process, his expertise and versed communication skills are all of highest value to the Institute at this crucial juncture in which space law and its actors are undergoing transition.
He is an assiduous scholar and contributor, which will benefit the development of the discourse for which the Institute was founded and is charged to monitor and comment.
I highly commend him as a future Board Director to the Institute .
Lesley Jane Smith
Vice President, IISL
Setsuko Aoki
Ingo Baumann
Irina Chernykh
Steven Freeland
Scarlet O’Donnell
Yuri Takaya-Umehara