1. Choose your membership type:


  • Are you are an individual distinguished by your contributions to or of proven interest in the field of space law or policy? Apply for the INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP 
    • Yearly membership dues paid per fiscal year (from 1 August until 31 July). 
    • Vote at the General Assembly.
    • Participate in thematic IISL Working Groups
    • Interact with other members during dedicated events.
    • Join a network of professionals from the space sector.
    • Can vote at the General Assembly.
    • Can nominate new members. 


  • Are you are a young professional who have demonstrated an interested in space law and policy but you do not yet meet the requirements for full membership? Apply for the PROSPECTIVE MEMBERSHIP
    • The membership is valid for 2 years, but can be extended if your studies have not yet finished after 2 years. 
    • After your prospective membership has elapsed you will be invited to apply for individual membership. 
    • The prospective member is exempted from membership fees. 
    • Participate in thematic IISL Working Groups.
    • Interact with other members during dedicated events.
    • Join a network of professionals from the space sector.
    • Cannot vote at the General Assembly. 


  • Are you are applying on behalf of a corporate entity and other institution actively engaged or otherwise interested in the field of space law or policy? Apply for the INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
    • Yearly membership dues paid per fiscal year (from 1 August until 31 July). 
    • The member may designate up to three representatives, who will have the ability to sit on committees and to run for the board. 
    • Participate in thematic IISL Working Groups.
    • Interact with other members during dedicated events.
    • Join a network of professionals from the space sector.
    • Can vote (as institution not per representatives) at the General Assembly. 

2. Find nominators:

Applications must be accompanied by nomination confirmations from either one IISL Director or three Individual Members in good standing of the Institute. Reach out to your network to get the nominations needed. If you have trouble finding the necessary support, please contact the IISL Membership Committee at membership@iisl.space. Your nominators will have to fill in this form.

3. Fill in your application before 1 FEBRUARY or 1 AUGUST:

➜ Individual members application form:  Application for individual membership – International Institute of Space Law | IISL

➜ Prospective members application form: Application for prospective membership – International Institute of Space Law | IISL

➜ Institutional members application form: Application for institutional membership – International Institute of Space Law | IISL

4. Patience you must have

After submitting the form, you will receive an automatic confirmation that your application has been received. The Membership Committee will be notified of your application and will check that it complies with the IISL Statues and Bylaws before submitting it to the IISL Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will take the decision of your membership at their Spring or Fall Board meeting. Please note that the Board meeting usually takes place around October/November and April/May.

The Membership Committee will inform you of the outcome of the meeting. 

5. Once you are a member: Participate in IISL activities

Follow webinars, read the newsletter or join discussions during the IISL Happy Hour! We also encourage you to take part in our working groups, or contribute to the IISL Knowledge Constellation. Open posts will be published regularly, but if you are eager to get involved, do not hesitate to reach out to membership@iisl.space