Session 5 of the IISL Colloquium at IAC 2024 successfully held
On 16 October, 15:00 h the fifth session of the IISL Colloquium was held at the Milan International Convention Centre MICO. The topic of the session was entitled: Alternative Space Rules Setting.
Topic description
The UN space treaties were elaborated in the 60ties and 70ties; since the Moon Agreement, no universal space law agreement was agreed upon in the UN COPUOS. However, many other rules are existing which have direct influence on space activities: In some cases, international and regional standards and other recommendatory norms are replacing binding international framework. The panel will discuss whether the consensus principle can be replaced by alternative space norms setting or and under which conditions these two bodies of rules can complement each other.
Session Chairs and Rapporteur
The session was co-chaired by Mr. Philippe Clerc, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France; and Prof. Christopher Newman, Northumbria University, United Kingdom. Ms. Lew Töpfer, Germany; acted as Rapporteur for the session.
Presented papers
The authors and their topics presented were:
Presenter | Title |
Mr. Thomas Green; Dr. Patrick Neumann | Emerging Technologies: The SFAIRP test as an expressed administrate instrument for safety assurance in crewed and uncrewed space activities |
Dr. Fabio Tronchetti | Fragmentation of international space law: is this a worrisome trend? |
Dr. Guoyu Wang | Neutrality in Space: The Legal Dilemma for Commercial Space Entities |
Dr. Rebecca Connolly | Space security governance on the moon and in cislunar: challenges for the existing legal framework and the pathway forward |
Dr. Yu Takeuchi | State Responsibility Structure for Supervising Commercial Space Activities |
Dr. Michail Chatzipanagiotis | Technical standards and space law: A complementary and complicated relationship |
Prof. Mark Sundahl | The Artemis Accords and the Washington Compact: A Two-Pronged Approach to Enhancing the Rule of Law in Space |
Mr. Christopher Johnson | The Deontic Logic of Space Law Applied to Lunar Scenarios |
Ms. Lisa Kucher; Ms. Anna Hurova | The Transformation of Human Rights in the Context of Progressive Space Activities |
Prof. Mahulena Hofmann | The Unexplored World of Space Standards |
Prof. Elena Carpanelli; Mr. Brendan Cohen | The Upsurge in Political Commitments Relating to Outer Space: From International Law to a “Rule-Based International Space Order”? |
Dr. Laura Jamschon Mac Garry | Crimes in Space: Can Private International Law Offer the Answers? |
Prof Philippe Achilleas | ITU’s Contribution to Space Law: Enhancing the Synergy between Telecommunications and Space Legal Frameworks |
Photo impressions of Session 5