Directorate of Studies
The major task of the Directorate of Studies (DoS) is to help the IISL Board of Directors to adequately fulfill its responsibilities. It does so by carrying out numerous activities relevant for the agenda of the Board. First, the DoS is active by identifying topics for future IISL colloquia to be discussed and agreed upon by the Board. Next, it is in charge of preparing analyses of legal problems with the aim of helping the Board to find the basis for a common statement. Thirdly, DoS studies help to synthesize existing legal views on pressing and important problems of international space law for which guidance of the Board is sought. Finally, the DoS prepares answers of the Board to requests from UN organs like UNOOSA with regard to important agenda of the UNCOPUOS for its future meetings involving the IISL as an NGO with an observer status.
Public Relations Including Social Media – PRISM
It is the main mission of the IISL Committee on Public Relations Including Social Media (PRISM Committee) to use all modern means for communication with the general public to raise awareness of and further enhance the visibility of IISL and of the relevance of its activities in order to further the aims and objectives of IISL, in accordance with the IISL Statute and the IISL By-Laws, and to ensure the interests of IISL are properly and in a coherent fashion represented.
Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space
The Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space prepares and submits at each annual Colloquium a report on the status of agreements relating to activities in outer space. The report shall also contain basic data concerning Declarations of Principles Relating to Activities in Outer Space adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Committee members shall collect, review and verify data concerning selected space agreements. Agreements of general global applicability or regional applicability are selected for reporting. Bilateral agreements are not included in the report. The Committee shall also provide the report to the IISL webmaster so that the report may be posted on the IISL website.