Since its founding, the Institute has held colloquia and symposia on space law. Three events have been established on an annual basis. The committees are responsible for drafting the program for each symposium, for managing the logistics of the event, and for coordinating with Institute partners, when appropriate or applicable. The IISL hosts four main events each year:
- The symposia at the yearly IAC
Every year at the International Astronautical Congress, the IISL holds its Colloquium.
Each IISL Proceedings issue contains selected papers that have been accepted for the Colloquium concerned, as well as reports of the Standing Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space, the IISL/AIAA Scientific-Legal Roundtable Programmes, the IISL Space Law programme presented to the Legal Subcommittee’s Delegates and staff, and the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition.

Since 2011, the Proceedings of IISL Colloquia are published annually by Eleven International Publishing, under contract with the Institute. An IISL members’ 40% discount is available for proceedings bought from Eleven.
To purchase the bound proceedings for the Colloquia on the Law of Outer Space from 1992 to 2010. All IISL members may purchase these proceedings at the AIAA member price. The IISL has also produced a Colloquium session topics overview report (2016-1991)
- The Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues of Space Law
Eilene M. Galloway was a pioneer in the fields of space law and policy. We endeavor annually to honor her legacy by coming together to share our knowledge and passion. The Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law (Symposium) has its roots in a 2006 conference and workshop organized by the Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL), Faculty of Law, McGill University and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) in cooperation with the Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law, the Leiden International Institute of Air and Space Law and the University of Mississippi National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law (Center). The topic of the inaugural event was: “The Conference and Workshop on the Policy and Law Relating to Outer Space Resources: Examples of the Moon, Mars, and Other Celestial Bodies,” and was a huge success.
Following the initial program, the IISL has held annually the Galloway Symposium, bringing together the brightest and most brilliant advocates in international space law.
- The IISL/ECSL space law symposium at UN-COPUOS
Every year during the UN COPUOS Legal Subcommittee, a few members of the ECSL have a chance to receive an invitation to observe the work of the Legal Subcommittee and attend the IISL/ECSL Symposium. More information about the work of the Legal Subcommittee and previous IISL/ECSL Symposia is available here: Should these opportunities be resumed, please note that the ECSL will not cover any expenses, and that invited members will have to organise their trip and cover the costs associated with participating themselves.
- IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal Roundtable
One of the long-standing institutions in the framework of the International Astronautical Congresses is the “Scientific-Legal Roundtable”. Each year, one such roundtable is organized in order to bring together the views from the scientific-technical and engineering perspective on the one hand as well as the legal and regulatory perspective on the other hand. While both communities meet at the same congress, this is one of the few institutionalized places, where there is actually a formal exchange. The Roundtables are a notable ex- ception in the programme of the Congress since they are only containing invited papers. Today they are part (usually session 5) of the IAA Symposium on Space Policy, Regulations and Economics. The Scientific-Legal Roundtables are organized by the IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal Liaison Committee. It is one of the oldest standing committees and has even continued its existence following the struc- tural reform of IAA almost a decade ago. At its origin were personalities like Manfred Lachs (later the President of the International Court of Justice) and Vladimir Kopal. They realized the high impor- tance of a regular formalized getting together of the two communities in order to discuss topical issues of great relevance for space activities. The topics have ranged from the space environment to private human spaceflight and small satellite missions. Often, the topics of ongoing or recently completed inter-disciplinary IAA studies are dealt with in these Roundtables. IAA and IISL have always been strong supporters of the Roundtables and the Liaison Committee, which is organizing them. Numerous IAA members have been participating as chairpersons or speakers. Also the IISL has delivered speakers and liaisons. During the past years, the significance of the Roundtables was further highlighted by the rule that the Secretary General of IAA and the President of IISL give opening remarks at these events. In 2010 the 25th Scientific-Legal Roundtable took place – a small jubilee and an encouragement for the further intensification of inter-disciplinary exchange.