Statements at the 2024 UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee

In March and April 2024, the International Institute of Space Law proudly showcased its expertise at the UN COPUOS in Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹
Our very own Maruška Strah, Co-Chair of the Space Traffic Management Working Group, delivered insightful speeches to the Legal Subcommittee of UN COPUOS. She summarised 2023-2024 IISL activities, shared news about scholarship and publications and described how the IISL contributes to the conversations on STM in global fora.
March 2024 Statement:
April 2024 Statement:
Additionally, Olavo Bittencourt Neto participated in the IISL/ECSL Symposium co-organized with the ECSL – European Centre for Space Law. His involvement highlights the collaborative spirit and expert knowledge within our space law and space policy community.
Congratulations to both Maruska and Olavo for representing the IISL with such distinction and advancing our mission in the international arena.