Session 7 of the IISL Colloquium at IAC 2024 successfully held

On 18 October, 10:15 h the seventh session of the IISL Colloquium was held at the Milan International Convention Centre MICO. The topic of the session was entitled: Regional Space Legislation.

Topic description

The last years are facing a growing intensity of regional space law setting: The US initiated the recommendatory Artemis Accords, the Chinese-Russian MoU presupposes a creation of an International Lunar Research Station, and the European Union who adopted a space Directive only recently is working on the enlargement of its space legislation. The panel analyses the regional space law and its implementation and discusses its interplay with the UN legal framework.

Session Chairs and Rapporteur

The session was co-chaired by Dr. Guoyu Wang, Beijing Institute of technology(BIT), China; and Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd, Leuphana University, Germany. Ms. Katharina Prall, BHO Legal , Germany; acted as Rapporteur for the session.

Presented papers

The authors and their topics presented were:

Prof. Maria Elena De MaestriEU Space Law: international principles implemented at a supra-national level
Mr. Arnold AgabaEvolutionary African Space Governance through Regional Economic Communities
Ms. Sima MoradinasabThe Emergence of Regional Space Legal Frameworks: The Unity of International Space Legal Order Under the Threat?!
Ms. Xiaoya LinMultilateralism and Emerging Legal Issues In space resources Activities: Law and Regulatory Oversight
Ms. Irina ChernykhCooperation of CIS Member States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space
Mr. Tao ZhangA Global Regime for the Moon Development and Exploitation: Towards Promoting the Common Interests of Humanity
Dr. Güneş ÜnüvarOuter Space as ‘Environment’: States’ Regulatory Measures and Foreign Investment Protection
Mr. Elie BadawiComparative analysis of legal frameworks shaping space activities in the GCC countries
Ms. Theodora LiametiGoing global or staying local; the new dilemma in space law setting
Ms. Sindhu ShankarSpace Stickers: Developing Safety and Sustainability Labels for the Space Sector
Prof. Frans G. Von der DunkA Long And Winding Road – Towards An EU Space Law?
Mr. Claudiu Mihai TaiatuThe EU space regulatory framework for a successful space sector?
Speakers and topics of Session 7
Photo impressions of Session 7