Six days left to register for the UN World Space Forum 2024!
Only 6 days left to register for the UN World Space Forum 2024!
The #WSF2024 is organized by UNOOSA in cooperation with Germany, the UAE and Peru from 3-5 December at the UN Campus in Bonn.
Representatives from governments, agencies, science, business and civil society will discuss how space can become more sustainable and how satellites facilitate the implementation of the SDGs on Earth? Some central topics are:
👉 Preserving the Space Environment - Space Debris Mitigation & Space Debris Remediation
👉 Ensuring Space Sustainability - How to Implement Space Traffic Management
👉Sustainable Lunar Activities - Information Sharing & Balancing the Needs of Science and Industry
👉 SDG 17 - Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals & Collaborating with Science and Industry to Tackle Climate Change
👉Continuing the Space Dialogue: The multilateral way forward for space governance
Register and stay tuned to have the chance to participate in these multifaceted discussions and side events organised on the margins of WSF2024… and once you receive the official UNOOSA invitation letter, don’t forget to confirm participation to be counted to the group of WSF2024 participants.
See you there!