Obituary: Professor José Monserrat Filho
By Sylvia Ospina and Olavo de O. Bittencourt Neto
The Space Law Community is saddened to announce the passing of José Monserrat Filho, an eminent Space Law lawyer, in Rio de Janeiro on 30 December 2023.

Professor Monserrat touched the lives of many students and colleagues interested in, and involved in Space Law and Policy throughout the span of many decades, and contributed to the development of Space Law and Policy in Latin America and beyond.
Professor Monserrat initiated his studies during the dawn of Space Age, at the USSR Peoples’ Friendship University, in the early 1960s. He also studied at The Hague Academy of International Law, the European Centre for Space Law and at the International Space University, promoting research on strategic topics while also building an invaluable global network.
For decades, Professor Monserrat was a member of Brazilian delegation to the UNCOPUOS, offering his expert contribution to the furtherance of national interests. In 2007, Professor Monserrat was elected to chair the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee Working Group on the Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space, where he enthusiastically supported multilateral debates and consensus building initiatives.
Elected member of the Board of the International Institute of Space Law in 1997, where he later served as honorary member, Professor Monserrat participated in various programmes and endeavours, including the organization of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in 2000, held in Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, he was a member of the Space Law Committee of the International Law Association (ILA), as well as of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
Professor Monserrat recorded a remarkable career at the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, holding functions related to regulatory activities and international relations. His dedication and expertise contributed to the advancement of efforts which have helped to shape the Brazilian Space Program and space-related legal framework.
Professor Monserrat acted as vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law (SBDA), chairing the research group on Space Law, which congregates professionals, students and scholars around focused studies and initiatives.
Professor Monserrat greatly contributed to the progress of Brazilian scientific journalism, as Editor of the “Jornal Ciência Hoje”, a publication of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) which promotes diverse scientific research and critical thinking.
A prolific writer with acute social consciousness, Professor Monserrat assembled a remarkable body of work, composed of books on International Law, Space Law and Space Policy, as well as an extraordinary number of essays and papers, of fundamental significance in Brazil and abroad. Most importantly, Professor Monserrat fostered many outreach activities, supporting young researchers and professionals involved with outer space.
Throughout the years, Professor Monserrat gained the respect and admiration of students, fellow scholars, government officials and international authorities, which have learned to admire his humanitarian principles and values, global vision, outstanding resilience and philosophical viewpoints.[1]
In 2020 he received the IISL’s Lifetime Achievement Award, as a deserved recognition to a great man, and one which celebrated a long, productive and distinguished career, devoted to the advancement of Space Law.
Professor Monserrat is survived by his wife, Ruth, son, José Monserrat Neto, and grandchildren.
Professor José Monserrat Filho is irreplaceable. His legacy lives forever.
[1] Recent publications and events celebrated Prof. Monserrat in Brazil and abroad. Prof. Ram Jakhu wrote in McGill University Monograph Series V, entitled Conflicts in Space and the Rule of Law (2017, edited by Maria Manoli and Sandy Belle Habchi), atribute to Professor Monserrat reflecting his extraordinary expertise and global reputation. In 2023, several eminent scholars contributed to the book Direito Espacial – uma coleção em homenagem ao Prof. José Monserrat Filho (edited by Márcia Alvarenga dos Santos, Tatiana Ribeiro Viana and Sueli Sampaio Custódio), reflecting on the legacy of Prof. Monserrat to space law and policy. On May 8th, 2023, the SBDA held an event celebrating the work of Prof. José Monserrat Filho, who attend it in person. Additionally, the Research Group on Space Law and Policy of the Catholic University of Santos was named after Prof. Monserrat that same year.
In Spanish – Español:
La comunidad de abogados especialistas en Derecho Espacial lamenta el fallecimiento del Profesor José Monserrat Filho, ocurrido en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, el 30 de diciembre de 2023.
El Profesor Monserrat tuvo mucha influencia en la vida de muchos estudiantes y colegas interesados, e involucrados en el campo de Derecho y Política Espacial, en el curso de varias décadas y contribuyo ampliamente al desarrollo del Derecho Espacial en América Latina y otras regiones del Mundo.
Sus primeros estudios tuvieron lugar en la Unión Soviética, a comienzos de la era especial. Luego los complementó con estudios en la Academia Internacional de La Haya, el Centro Europeo de Derecho Espacial, y la Universidad Internacional de Derecho Espacial, contribuyendo a la investigación sobre temas estratégicos al mismo tiempo que construyo una red global de interesados en estos temas.
Durante décadas, el profesor Monserrat participo como miembro de la Delegación Brasileña al Comité para el Uso Pacífico del Espacio de las Naciones Unidas (UNCOPUOS, por sus siglas en ingles), En 1997 fue elegido Miembro de a Junta Directiva del Instituto Internacional de Derecho Espacial (IISL, por sus siglas en ingles), y participo en varios programas del IISL, culminando con la organización del Congreso Internacional de Astronáutica que tuvo lugar en Rio de Janeiro en 2000, Además, participo en otras organizaciones, tal como la Asociación Internacional de Derecho, (ILA, por su sigla en inglés) y la Academia Internacional de Astronáutica (IAA, por su sigla en inglés).
José Monserrat hizo valiosas contribuciones al progreso del periodismo brasileño, siendo el Editor del Jornal Ciência Hoje”, así como Editor de la publicación de la Sociedad Brasileña Para el Progreso de la Ciencia (SBPC, por sus siglas en portugués), la cual promueve investigaciones en diversos campos científicos. Por medio de sus escritos, el Profesor Monserrat se ganó el respeto y la admiración de estudiantes, colegas científicos y académicos, de las autoridades gubernamentales internacionales, debido a sus principios humanitarios, su visión global, y su punto de vista filosófico.
En 2020, el IISL le otorgo su Premio de Trayectoria, en reconocimiento por su gran aporte al sector del Derecho Espacial, no solo en Brasil, sino a nivel regional y mundial.
El fallecimiento del profesor José Monserrat Filho deja un gran vacío en el campo de Derecho Espacial internacional, pero al mismo tiempo deja una valiosa contribución al progreso de los estudios de Derecho Espacial en Brasil y en los países de la Región Latinoamericana y del Caribe.
O que é Direito Internacional. Brasília: Brasiliense, 1986.
Globalização, Interesse Público e Direito Internacional. Estudos Avançados, vol. 9, n. 25, São Paulo, 1995.
Introdução ao Direito Espacial. Rio de Janeiro: SBDA, 1997.
The new Brazilian Space Agency: a Political and Legal Analysis, Space Policy, 1999.
Interesses e Necessidades dos Países em Desenvolvimento no Direito Espacial, Parcerias Estratégicas, n.7, October 1999.
Brazilian Launch Licensing and Authorizing Regimes, Capacity Building in Space Law — UN/IIASL, the Hague, 2002.
O Direito Espacial e as hegemonias mundiais, Estudos Avançados, vol.17, n.47, 2003.
Brazilian-Chinese Cooperation on Earth Resource Observation. 2nd Asian Space Conference, Hanoi, 2005.
Direito e Política na Era Espacial. Rio de Janeiro: Vieira & Lent, 2007.
Space Law and the Brave New World, Proceedings of the 50th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Vol. 50, 2008.
Revista Brasileira de Direito Aeronáutico e Espacial, SBDA. Editions available at: <>